Art gallery: Browse the 2019 award-winning student artwork inspired by the ocean

NOAA offers several art contests that engage creative minds in Earth science. In honor of Youth Art Month in March, here is a gallery that showcases marine species and conservation issues through the eyes of student artists.

Feeling inspired? Consider submitting your own creations.

K-12 Marine Art Contest focusing on sanctuary biodiversity
The 2020 Marine Art Contest, co-sponsored by Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary and the Massachusetts Marine Educators, is now underway with an extended deadline offsite link of May 15, 2020, and a new electronic submission process. With submissions ranging from tiny plankton to giant whales, students from anywhere in the world are invited to submit artwork that explores the biodiversity of Stellwagen Bank sanctuary. Winning art is posted on the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary website. Email for more information.

“Diatoms” by Angela Z., Grade 10, is a winner of the Marine Art Contest 2019. Winning art is posted on the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary website.
“Diatoms” by Angela Z., Grade 10. Marine Art Contest 2019.
A drawing of three ocean sunfish (Mola mola) on a watery background.
“Ocean Sunfish (Mola mola)” by Chan P.Y., Grade 12. Marine Art Contest 2019.
“Atlantic Octopus” by Alicia Z., Grade 7, is a winner of the Marine Art Contest 2019. Winning art is posted on the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary website.
“Atlantic Octopus” by Alicia Z., Grade 7. Marine Art Contest 2019.
“American Lobster” by Hantong L., Grade 8, is a winner of the Marine Art Contest 2019. Winning art is posted on the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary website.
“American Lobster” by Hantong L., Grade 8. Marine Art Contest 2019.
“Atlantic Wolffish” by Dylan Y., Grade 4, is a winner of the Marine Art Contest 2019. Winning art is posted on the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary website.
“Atlantic Wolffish” by Dylan Y., Grade 4. Marine Art Contest 2019.
“Atlantic Puffins” by Jennifer L., Grade 8, is a winner of the Marine Art Contest 2019. Winning art is posted on the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary website.
“Atlantic Puffins” by Jennifer L., Grade 8. Marine Art Contest 2019.

Marine Endangered Species Art Contest
NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Region encourages artists in kindergarten through 12th grade to celebrate marine endangered species. While the contest focuses on species native to New England and the Mid-Atlantic, students anywhere are welcome to participate. Winning artwork goes on display in the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office in Gloucester, Massachusetts, and is featured in a calendar. Submissions for 2020 are due April 17, 2020.

Lily T., Grade 3, is a winner of the 2019 Marine Endangered Species Art Contest. Winning artwork goes on display in the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office in Gloucester, Massachusetts, and is featured in a calendar.
“Sea Turtle” by Lily T., Grade 3. Marine Endangered Species Art Contest 2019.
Phoebe D., Grade 3, is a winner of the 2019 Marine Endangered Species Art Contest. Winning artwork goes on display in the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office in Gloucester, Massachusetts, and is featured in a calendar.
Phoebe D., Grade 3, is a winner of the 2019 Marine Endangered Species Art Contest. Winning artwork goes on display in the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office in Gloucester, Massachusetts, and is featured in a calendar. (Phoebe D.)
Michael H., Grade 12, is a winner of the 2019 Marine Endangered Species Art Contest. Winning artwork goes on display in the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office in Gloucester, Massachusetts, and is featured in a calendar.
"Salmonscape" by Michael H., Grade 12. Marine Endangered Species Art Contest 2019.
Mackenzie C., Grade 7, is a winner of the 2019 Marine Endangered Species Art Contest. Winning artwork goes on display in the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office in Gloucester, Massachusetts, and is featured in a calendar.
"Gliding Leatherback" by Mackenzie C., Grade 7. Marine Endangered Species Art Contest 2019.

Keep the Sea Free of Debris
NOAA Marine Debris Program holds this annual art contest to reach kindergarten through eighth-grade students and help raise awareness about marine debris. The winning submissions are featured in a calendar to remind us all that we can be responsible stewards of the ocean every day. The winners of the 2021 calendar will be announced in the spring and the Marine Debris Art Contest will re-open in fall 2020.

Luke G., Grade 3, is a winner of the NOAA Marine Debris Program Art Contest 2019.
Luke G., Grade 3. NOAA Marine Debris Program Art Contest 2019.
Julia K., Grade 5, is a winner of the NOAA Marine Debris Program Art Contest 2019.
Julia K., Grade 5. NOAA Marine Debris Program Art Contest 2019.
Verona M., Grade 1, is a winner of the NOAA Marine Debris Program Art Contest 2019.
Verona M., Grade 1. NOAA Marine Debris Program Art Contest 2019.
Cindy P., Grade 7, is a winner of the NOAA Marine Debris Program Art Contest 2019.
Cindy P., Grade 7. NOAA Marine Debris Program Art Contest 2019.
Amy H., Grade 5, is a winner of the NOAA Marine Debris Program Art Contest 2019.
Amy H., Grade 5. NOAA Marine Debris Program Art Contest 2019.

Washed Up: A Marine Debris Art Contest
Florida Sea Grant offsite link invited artists of all ages to create pieces that were not only inspired by marine debris, but composed of it! In this new contest, artists collected human-made marine debris from beaches and shorelines and transformed it into sculptures, mosaics, or other pieces.

Tom C. and Angela B., first place winners of Washed Up: A Marine Debris Art Contest 2019.
Tom C. and Angela B., first place winners of Washed Up: A Marine Debris Art Contest 2019.
Callie D., Frederick S., Maleah S., Brianna S. and Johnny D., second place winners of Washed Up: A Marine Debris Art Contest 2019.
Callie D., Frederick S., Maleah S., Brianna S. and Johnny D., second place winners of Washed Up: A Marine Debris Art Contest 2019.
Sara C., third place winner of Washed Up: A Marine Debris Art Contest 2019.
Sara C., third place winner of Washed Up: A Marine Debris Art Contest 2019.