NOAA, NASA to announce 2022 global temperature, climate conditions

A collage of typical climate and weather-related events: floods, heatwaves, drought, hurricanes, wildfires and loss of glacial ice.

A collage of typical climate and weather-related events: floods, heatwaves, drought, hurricanes, wildfires and loss of glacial ice. (Image credit: NOAA)

Video: January 12, 2023 NOAA/NASA 2022 Global Climate Media Briefing



Climate experts from NOAA and NASA will provide the updated analysis of the global temperatures for 2022 and the most important climate trends of the year during a webinar for media on Thursday, January 12, 2023. Introduced by NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and NOAA Chief Scientist Sarah Kapnick, Ph.D., the webinar will feature a recap and ranking of 2022 from both NOAA and NASA, an overview of significant global weather and climate events from last year and a review of the year’s ocean heat content and Arctic sea ice extent. Immediately after the briefing, NOAA and NASA experts will be available for questions from the media.


Thursday, January 12, 11:00 a.m. - noon ET (USA)


  • Bill Nelson, NASA administrator
  • Sarah Kapnick, Ph.D., NOAA chief scientist
  • Russell Vose, Ph.D., chief of climate monitoring, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
  • Gavin Schmidt, Ph.D., director, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies


Use this link offsite link to access the media webinar. (For the best experience, download the Adobe Connect app offsite link.) The audio will be streamed live on


NOAA and NASA collect and analyze the world's temperature data and independently produce a record of Earth's surface temperatures, as well as changes based on historical observations. Consistency between the two independent analyses, and analyses produced by other countries, increases confidence in the accuracy and assessment of the data and resulting conclusions. These analyses provide government and business leaders with critical decision-making information.


Media contacts

John Bateman,, (202) 424-0929

Tylar Greene,, (202) 358-0030

Video: January 12, 2023 NOAA/NASA 2022 Global Climate Media Briefing