Executive Summary - Notice of Funding Opportunity Description

Grants Online Notice of Funding Opportunity Document Creation Assistance

NOFO Field Name: Notice of Funding Opportunity Description
OMB FFO Guidance Field Name: Optional, Additional Overview Content

NOFO Location: Required Overview Content - seventh (and last) field
- Preceding Field: Dates
- Subsequent Field: Program Objective

OMB Guidance:
Optional, Additional Overview Content. Following the required overview information described above, the agency may present other information. Present any optional overview information in a sequential order that parallels the organization of the full text of the announcement. Examples of overview information that could help potential applicants decide whether to read the full announcement are: a concise description of the funding opportunity, the total amount to be awarded, the anticipated amounts and/or numbers of individual awards, the types of instruments that may be awarded, who is eligible to apply, whether cost sharing is required, and any limitations on the numbers of applications that each applicant may submit. You also may include other information that could later help applicants more quickly and easily find what they need (e.g., where one can get application materials).

Additional Guidance:

  • Do not enter a field name (shown in bold in the examples). The NOFO generator will enter the field name of the "Notice of Funding Opportunity Description".
  • The Department requires this field for the Executive Summary on FFOs.

Published Examples:

Notice of Funding Opportunity Description: The CSTAR Program represents an NOAA/NWS effort to create a cost-effective transition from basic and applied research to operations and services through collaborative research between operational forecasters and academic institutions which have expertise in the environmental sciences. These activities will engage researchers and students in applied research of interest to the operational meteorological community and will improve the accuracy of forecasts and warnings of environmental hazards by applying scientific knowledge and information to operational products and services. The NOAA CSTAR Program is a contributing element of the U.S. Weather Research Program. NOAA's program is designed to complement other agency contributions to that national effort.

Notice of Funding Opportunity Description: This notice announces that applications may be submitted for a Fellowship program initiated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Sea Grant Office (NSGO), in fulfilling its broad educational responsibilities and legislative mandate of the Sea Grant Act, to provide educational experience in the policies and processes of the Legislative and Executive Branches of the Federal Government to graduate students in marine and aquatic-related fields.

Notice of Funding Opportunity Description: The California B-WET grant program, is a competitively based program that supports existing environmental education programs, fosters the growth of new programs, and encourages the development of partnerships among environmental education programs throughout the San Francisco Bay, Monterey Bay, and Santa Barbara Channel watersheds. Funded projects provide Meaningful Watershed Experiences to students and teachers.

Notice of Funding Opportunity Description: This program represents a NOAA/NWS effort to create a cost-effective continuum of basic and applied research through collaborative research between the Hydrology Laboratory of the NWS Office of Hydrologic Development and academic communities or other private or public agencies which have expertise in the hydrometerologic, hydrologic, and hydraulic routing sciences. These activities will engage researchers and students in basic and applied research to improve the scientific understanding of river forecasting. Ultimately these efforts will improve the accuracy of forecasts and warnings of rivers and flash floods by applying scientific knowledge and information to NWS research methods and techniques, resulting in a benefit to the public. NOAA's program is designed to complement other agency contributions to that national effort.

The Office of Hydrologic Development requests that interested organizations prepare a pre-proposal, to be followed by a full-proposal. Full proposals will be prepared only by those parties that submitted pre-proposals. A notice discouraging the submission of a full proposal does not preclude submission of a full proposal.