Executive Summary - Notice of Funding Opportunity Title

Grants Online Notice of Funding Opportunity Document Creation Assistance

NOFO Field: Notice of Funding Opportunity Title

NOFO Location: NOFO Required Overview Content - second field
- Preceding Field: Federal Agency Name(s)
- Subsequent Fields: Announcement Type - Funding Opportunity Number - Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number(s)

OMB Guidance for FFO:
Notice of Funding Opportunity Title -- Required. If your agency has a program name that is different from the Notice of Funding Opportunity Title, you also could include that name here.

Additional Guidance:

  • Do not enter the field name (shown in bold in the examples).

Published Examples:

Notice of Funding Opportunity Title: Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program

Notice of Funding Opportunity Title: Ballast Water Technology Demonstration Program Cooperative Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDTE) Facility

Notice of Funding Opportunity Title: Community-based Marine Debris Prevention and Removal Project Grants

Notice of Funding Opportunity Title: NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Grant Program - State and Territorial Coral Reef Ecosystem Monitoring Grant

Notice of Funding Opportunity Title: NMFS - Sea Grant Joint Graduate Fellowship Program in Population Dynamics (Population Dynamics Graduate Fellowship Program)