Amendment 28 to the FMP: Pacific Coast Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat and Rockfish Conservation Area Modifications


ID #


Document Type

Environmental Impact Statement

NOAA Office

National Marine Fisheries Service - West Coast Region

Document Status


Last Updated



Amendment 28 to the FMP intends to accomplish three goals: (1) revise the EFH components of the FMP; (2) make adjustment to the trawl RCAs; and (3) use the discretionary authorities in the MSA to protect deep-sea benthic habitats, including deep sea corals, from the adverse effects of fishing. In order to achieve these three goals, the PFMC, in coordination with the NMFS has identified multiple purposes and needs of the proposed action.


  • Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS (02/01/2016)
  • Draft EIS (10/05/2018)
  • Final EIS (08/16/2019)