Amendment 50A: State Management Program For Recreational Red Snapper


ID #


Document Type

Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

NOAA Office

National Marine Fisheries Service - Southeast Region

Document Status


Last Updated


Point of Contact


The DEIS analyzes the impacts of a reasonable range of alternatives intended to provide limited authority to Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas, to manage recreational fishing of red snapper. These actions would allow those states the flexibility to manage recreational fishing of red snapper in federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico adjacent to their state waters. Actions include allowing states to request closure of federal waters, set minimum and maximum size limits, set bag limits, determine the season length and structure.


  • Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS (01/17/2018)
  • Draft EIS (12/21/2018)
  • Final EIS (08/30/2019)
  • Record of Decision (11/08/2019)