Friday Find: Geodesy, definitely a place for women

“Would you believe forty-four men and six women and no problems?” — 1967 ESSA World article, “Six lady geodesists prove that no place, but no place is no place for a woman”

A graphic with a blue backgrounds and black and white photos of six women who worked in NOAA’s Coast and Geodetic Survey, Geodesy Division in 1967. The headline reads, "The Women of NOAA's Geodesy Division, 1967". Their names are in script above or below each photo. Pictured are: Jeanne L. Hess, Catherine C. Mortenson, Jean S. Campbell, Roma W. Miller, Helen Stettner, and Maralyn Louise Vorhauer.

The women of NOAA’s Coast and Geodetic Survey, Geodesy Division in 1967. (Image credit: Graphic: NOAA Heritage, Photos: ESSA World)