Friday Find: What’s in the box? Answered!

NOAA has a box labeled “BALLOON TYPE ML-131-A” from June 23, 1944. Our inaugural “Friday Finds” mission is to figure out what it is and how it was used.

Calling all students of history! The NOAA Heritage Program needs your help. Email us at if you know how this was used!

Photo of a small box labeled, “BALLOON TYPE ML-131-A”, COLOR: PURE GUM, QUANTITY: ONE, CONTRACT No.: W-33-042-SC-254, WEIGHT: 350 GRAM, ORDER No.: 289-DAY-44, DATE MADE: JUN 23 1944 (stamped on), Molded Latex Products, Inc., PASSAIC, NEW JERSEY"

Photo of a small box labeled, “BALLOON TYPE ML-131-A”. (Image credit: NOAA Heritage)