I. Funding Opportunity Description - Program Priorities

Grants Online Notice of Funding Opportunity Document Creation Assistance

NOFO Field: Program Priorities

NOFO Location: Funding Opportunity Description - second field
- Preceding Field: Program Objective
- Subsequent Field: Program Authority

OMB Guidance:
I. Funding Opportunity Description —- Required
        This section contains the full programmatic description of the funding opportunity. It may be as long as needed to adequately communicate to potential applicants the areas in which funding may be provided. It describes the agency’s funding priorities or the technical or focus areas in which the agency intends to provide assistance. As appropriate, it may include any program history (e.g., whether this is a new program or a new or changed area of program emphasis). This section may communicate indicators of successful projects (e.g., if the program encourages collaborative efforts) and may include examples of projects that have been funded previously. This section also may include other information the agency deems necessary, such as citations for authorizing statutes and regulations for the funding opportunity.

Additional Guidance:

  • Do not enter the field name (shown in bold in the examples). The NOFO generator will enter the field name.
  • The Department has broken this required section into 4 required subsections. Program Priorities is the second of these.

Published Examples:

        B. Program Priorities:

        The Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program endeavors to support individuals, particularly women and minorities, who otherwise would not be able to pursue an advanced degree in oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archaeology due to financial constraints. The Program seeks to increase the numbers of women and minorities in these scientific disciplines.

        B. Program Priorities:

        The MDP is interested in funding projects that will result in on-the-ground benefits to living marine resource habitats through the removal and/or prevention of marine debris and associated activities. Marine debris is defined to include any manmade object discarded, disposed of, or abandoned that enters the coastal or marine environment. It may enter the marine environment directly from ships, or indirectly when washed out to sea via rivers, streams and storm drains. The program priorities for this opportunity support NOAA’s "Ecosystems" mission support goal of "Protect, Restore, and Manage Use of Coastal and Ocean Resources through Ecosystem-Based Management."

        Marine debris removal may include, but is not limited to:
        Detection and removal of derelict fishing gear, such as abandoned crab pots and fish nets, monofilament line, or "casitas" (lobster aggregating devices);
        Removal of persistent debris from coastal habitats including marshes, bays, mangroves, and coral reefs. This includes activities such as removal of abandoned vessels, their associated debris, and/or large material washed up on shorelines; and
        Removal of debris from marine, estuarine or beach environments resulting from hurricanes or other natural disasters.
        Detection and removal of derelict pilings and bulkheads that diminish habitat quality.

        Marine debris prevention may include, but is not limited to:
        Prevention activities related to reception facilities at marinas and fishing ports including recycling initiatives for monofilament fishing line and other types of fishing gear, or debris;
        The development of debris reduction incentives for prevention, removal, and safe disposal of plastics and derelict fishing gear; and
        Outreach/education focused projects.

        The MDP recognizes that the removal and prevention of marine debris can be a multi-faceted effort that may involve project design, engineering services, permitting, oversight, and education and outreach. The focus of the program, however, is to provide funding and technical expertise to support on-the-ground implementation of habitat restoration through marine debris prevention and removal that involves significant community support. To that end, projects must involve an outreach and/or volunteer component tied to the debris prevention and removal activities, and may involve limited pre-implementation activities, such as engineering, design and short-term baseline studies.

        Implementation of on-the-ground debris removal projects must have clearly identified goals (broad in scope) and at least two specific, measurable objectives. Evaluating these objectives must involve an assessment of effectiveness (i.e. comparing initial targets set for each objective to post-removal results). The assessment must be conducted in a timely fashion with a frequency and length of time appropriate to each parameter in the context of the project objectives and status.

        For prevention activities, projects must have a targeted user community and substantial interaction and outreach with that community. These projects must also include measures to determine effectiveness of activities and identify how the project will continue in the future if it involves collection facilities or other long-term operations.

        The MDP will consider funding more than one project under a single award. All projects should be sufficiently detailed as per the guidelines and information requirements listed in this document for an application to be competitive, and all projects should be able to be completed within the award period specified below.

        The MDP anticipates that a limited portion of available funds will be used to support high quality projects that transfer, through education and outreach, removal technology and methods to other parts of the U.S.

        Proposals emphasizing general program coordination are discouraged, as are applications that propose to expand an organization’s day-to-day activities, or that primarily seek support for administration, salaries, overhead and travel. Because funds are limited, large equipment purchases such as vehicles, boats and similar items will be a low priority. Applications proposing solely to conduct regular maintenance activities such as clean-ups are also likely to be considered a lower priority unless the clean-up activity is (a) coupled with a significant outreach or other component that will reduce or prevent future accumulation of marine debris, or (b) consists of a one-time clean-up event of debris that is not likely to re-accumulate, such as debris removal related to natural disasters or similar point-in-time events.

        Applications proposing the removal of a significant amount of marine debris are likely to be considered a high priority. Proposals for removal of abandoned vessels should indicate that a search for responsible parties, such as the vessel’s owner, has been conducted and that no identifiable responsible party exists. Proposals should focus on benefits to living marine resources and associated habitats. Proposals with a primary emphasis on removing materials that represent hazards to navigation or human health are not a focus of this grants competition.

        Applicants should also note that the following activities will not be considered under partnership awards: (1) Activities that constitute legally required mitigation for the adverse effects of an activity regulated or otherwise governed by local, state or Federal law; (2) activities that constitute restoration for natural resource damages under Federal, state or local law; and (3) activities that are required by a separate consent decree, court order, statute or regulation.

        B. Program Priorities:

        Proposals must address one or both of the two areas of interest: (1) Meaningful Watershed Experiences for Students; or (2) Professional Development in the Area of Environmental Education for Teachers. If proposals do not address one of the areas of interest, they will be returned without further review. If a project will address both areas of interest substantially (e.g., each area represents 25% or greater of the total amount requested), potential recipients should submit separate proposals for each area. If one area of interest constitutes less than 25% of the requested funding, the applicant should submit one proposal under the area of interest that represents the majority of funding requested. Please note that proposals including both areas of interest must address both sets of elements and activities as outlined below.
        1. Meaningful Watershed Experiences for Students
        The NOAA National Marine Sanctuary Program seeks proposals for projects that provide opportunities for students to participate in a Meaningful Watershed Experience. The marine environment and the surrounding watershed provide an excellent opportunity for environmental education. In many cases, tidal and non-tidal waters and the landscape around them can provide "hands-on" laboratories where students can see, touch, and learn about the environment. In other cases, the environment can be brought alive to the classroom through a strong complement of outdoor and classroom experiences. The environment can provide a genuine, locally relevant source of knowledge that can be used to help advance student learning skills and problem-solving abilities across the entire school curriculum.
        Proposals submitted under this area should address the following elements and types of activities:
        a. Meaningful Watershed Experiences should make a direct connection to the marine or estuarine environment: Experiences should demonstrate to students that local actions within the San Francisco Bay watersheds, Monterey Bay watersheds, and Santa Barbara Channel watersheds (and surrounding areas) can impact the greater marine environment (i.e. Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Gulf of Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary). Although experiences do not have to be water-based activities, there should be an intentional connection made to the local watershed, one or all of the sanctuaries in California, and the coastal and marine environment. Watershed experiences may include terrestrial activities (e.g., erosion control, buffer creation, groundwater protection, and pollution prevention).
        b. Meaningful Watershed Experiences are an integral part of the instructional program: Experiences should be clearly part of what is occurring concurrently in the classroom. Applicants must show how their project ties to specific content standards. The experience should be part of the curriculum and be aligned with the Content Standards for California Public Schools (these Standards are available through the California Department of Education via the Internet at http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/) Experiences should occur where and when they fit into the instructional sequence.
        c. Meaningful Watershed Experiences are project-oriented, hands-on, and investigative: Experiences should be centered around questions, problems, and issues pertaining to the San Francisco Bay watersheds, Monterey Bay watersheds, Santa Barbara Channel watersheds and the National Marine Sanctuaries in California. Experiences should be investigated through data collection, observation, and hands-on activities. Experiences should stimulate observation, motivate critical thinking, develop problem-solving skills, and instill confidence in students.
        d. Meaningful Watershed Experiences are part of a sustained activity: Experiences should not be ‘drive-by’ experiences. Experiences should not be tours, gallery visits, demonstrations, or "nature" walks. Meaningful experiences are part of a sustained activity that stimulates and motivates the student from beginning to end. Experiences should consist of more than just the outdoor experience. Though an outdoor experience itself may occur as one specific event, occurring in one day, the total duration leading up to and following the experience should involve a significant investment of instructional time. An experience should consist of three general parts - a preparation phase; an outdoor phase; and an analysis, reporting phase. Projects should provide teachers with the support, materials, resources, and information needed to conduct these three parts. The preparation phase should focus on a question, problem, or issue and involve students in discussions about it. The action phase should include one or more outdoor experiences sufficient to conduct the project, make the observations, or collect the data required. The reflection phase should refocus on the question, problem, or issue; analyze the conclusions reached; evaluate the results; assess the activity and the learning; and include sharing and communication of the results.
        e. Meaningful Watershed Experiences reflect an integrated approach to learning: Experiences do not have to be based solely on science disciplines. Experiences should involve the use of materials, resources, and instruments to address multiple topics, such as civics, history, economics, math, English, art, and the cultural significance of our natural resources. Experiences make appropriate connections between subject areas and reflect an integrated approach to learning.
        f. Projects involve external sharing and communication: Projects must promote peer-to-peer sharing and emphasize the need for external sharing and communication. Projects should include a mechanism that encourages the students to share their experiences with other students or with the community, e.g., through a mentoring program, newsletters, journals, or community presentations.
        g. Projects demonstrate partnerships: Project proposals should include multiple partners. A partnership is a collaborative working relationship between two or more organizations. All partners should be actively involved in the project, not just supply equipment or curricula. Letters of support from each partner must be submitted with the application package to demonstrate the level of commitment and involvement. The California B-WET Program strongly encourages applicants to partner with a school or school system and demonstrate full support by the school administration.
        h. Experiences are for all students: The California B-WET Program is strongly committed to expanding the knowledge and participation of a low income and underserved student population in marine and environmental education. It is crucial for all citizens to have an understanding of and connection with their own environment, therefore all students should be provided a watershed experience regardless of where they live or go to school. Preference will be given to those applicants that work with a low income or underserved student population. For example, applicants could work with an alternative student program (e.g., Boys and Girls Club of America, YMCA) or a Title 1 school. For more information on Title 1 schools, please visit the California Department of Education website at: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/ap/index.asp. Please include the ethnic, social and gender demographics of the classroom participants, for example (46% Latinos, 80% free lunch, 15% females).
        i. Projects utilize NOAA programs or personnel: Many NOAA offices have excellent programs that can be geared towards K-12 students and have personnel that are experts in marine and coastal issues. Utilizing NOAA programs or issues focused on marine and coastal resources and/or employing the expertise of NOAA scientists and natural resource professionals can heighten the impact of a Meaningful Watershed Experience (for more information about NOAA programs, please visit the following NOAA websites: http://www.noaa.gov, http://www.oesd.noaa.gov/, http://www.oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/welcome.html, and http://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/education).
        j. Projects are aligned with the NOAA Education Plan and the Ocean Literacy Essential Principles: Applicants must demonstrate how their project supports and aligns with the goals and strategies of the NOAA Education Plan and the essential principles of Ocean Literacy. Proposals must not just list the goals, strategies, and principles but must provide examples of how their project aligns with them. For more information, please visit the NOAA Office of Education website for the NOAA Education Plan, http://www.oesd.noaa.gov/NOAA_Ed_Plan.pdf and the Ocean Literacy website for a listing of the essential principles and fundamental concepts, http://www.coexploration.org/oceanliteracy/documents/OceanLitCha rt.pdf

        2. Professional Development in the Area of Environmental Education for Teachers
        The NOAA National Marine Sanctuary Program seeks proposals for projects that provide teachers opportunities for professional development in the area of environmental education related to the San Francisco Bay watershed and Santa Barbara Channel watershed. As the purveyors of education, teachers can ultimately make meaningful environmental education experiences for students by weaving together classroom and field activities within the context of their curriculum and of current critical issues that impact the watershed. Systematic, long-term professional development opportunities will reinforce a teacher's ability to teach, inspire, and lead young people toward thoughtful stewardship of our natural resources.
        Proposals submitted under this area should address the following elements and types of activities:
        a. Projects should provide teachers the understanding and essence of a Meaningful Watershed Experience: Professional development opportunities should instruct teachers about the content and meaning of a Meaningful Watershed Experience (for the definition of a Meaningful Watershed Experience please refer to Section B.1.a-e). Professional development opportunities should be designed so that teachers not only understand what a Meaningful Watershed Experience is, but why this type of pedagogy is important. Projects should be designed so that teachers are capable of conducting an experience in their classroom. For example, professional development courses could result in a lesson plan (aligned with the Content Standards for California Public Schools) or provide teachers with materials or resources needed for carrying out a Meaningful Watershed Experience in their classroom. In addition to providing the resources needed to conduct an experience, projects should also include a mechanism to encourage the teacher to implement an experience in their classroom. The goal is to ensure that professional development experiences for the teacher ultimately benefit the student. For example, encouragement to implement an experience in the classroom can be done through small implementation grants for the teacher (the Federal requested amount may include funds for implementation grants), a grant writing workshop so that the teacher can apply for outside funds to conduct the experience, and/or the applicant should provide a contact person for technical support during the school year.
        b. Projects involve external sharing and communication: Projects must promote peer-to-peer sharing and emphasize the need for external sharing and communication. Projects should include a mechanism that encourages teachers to share their experiences with other teachers and with the environmental education community, e.g., through mentoring opportunities, presentations at conferences, in-school service days, or other public forums.
        c. Projects demonstrate partnerships: Project proposals should include multiple partners. A partnership is a collaborative working relationship between two or more organizations. All partners should be actively involved in the project, not just supply equipment or curricula. Letters of support from each partner must be submitted with the application package to demonstrate the level of commitment and involvement. The California B-WET Program strongly encourages applicants to partner with schools and/or school systems. Preference will be given to those proposals that partner with a school or school system and/or can demonstrate full support by the school administration.
        d. Experiences are for all teachers: The California B-WET Program is strongly committed to expanding the knowledge and participation of teachers who serve a low income and underserved student population. Therefore, preference will be given to applicants who work with teachers that serve this community. For example, applicants could work with Title 1 schools. For more information on Title 1 schools, please visit the California Department of Education website at: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/ap/index.asp. Please include the ethnic, social and gender demographics of the classroom participants, for example (46% Latinos, 80% free lunch, 15% females).
        e. Projects utilize NOAA programs or personnel: Many NOAA offices have excellent programs that can be geared towards K-12 students and have personnel that are experts in marine and coastal issues. Utilizing NOAA programs and issues focused on marine and coastal resources and/or employing the expertise of NOAA scientists and natural resource professionals can heighten the impact of a meaningful watershed experience (for more information about NOAA programs, please visit the following NOAA websites: http://www.noaa.gov, http://www.oesd.noaa.gov/, http://www.oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/welcome.html, and http://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/education).
        f. Projects are aligned with the NOAA Education Plan and the Ocean Literacy Essential Principles: Applicants must demonstrate how their project supports and aligns with the goals and strategies of the NOAA Education Plan and the essential principles of Ocean Literacy. Proposals must not just list the goals, strategies, and principles but must provide examples of how their project aligns with them. For more information, please visit the NOAA Office of Education website for the NOAA Education Plan, http://www.oesd.noaa.gov/NOAA_Ed_Plan.pdf and the Ocean Literacy website for a listing of the essential principles and fundamental concepts, http://www.coexploration.org/oceanliteracy/documents/OceanLitCha rt.pdf

        3. Renewed Projects The National Marine Sanctuary Program may renew funding for existing grants that were funded in the previous application process. New grants will be awarded to renew these projects under this announcement pending successful review of a new application package, and adequate progress reports and site visits. Therefore, funding for some proposals may be limited to renewed projects.

        4. B-WET National Conference Grant recipients will be required to attend a two-day National B-WET conference to be held in the Washington DC area in the Fall of 2008. The conference will be an opportunity for former and current B-WET grant recipients from all B-WET Programs to present their B-WET projects. Your budget should include in the travel category funds for airfare and transportation (rental car, shuttle, or taxi). The B-WET Program will provide food and lodging. Although this is considered an outreach and education opportunity, it should not be the sole justification to meet the outreach and education criteria, local communication is required as well.

        B. Program Priorities:

        NOAA will give sole attention to individual proposals addressing the identified science priorities from NWS Regions and NCEP service centers as listed below or which directly address or incorporate solutions to science issues related to interactive forecast preparation systems and gridded data bases. Proposals must clearly specify which primary science priorities are being addressed.

        A proposal must contain at least two distinct subtasks addressing one or more of the science priorities listed. Principal investigators (PIs) must clearly address the science and technology transfer process contained within the proposal. This includes their interactions with operational NWS units, including weather offices, River Forecast Centers, NCEP service centers, and regional offices, with the specific goal of improving operational services. The names, affiliations, and phone numbers of relevant NWS regional/NCEP focal points are provided. Prospective applicants should communicate with these focal points for further information on priorities within regional science priorities. Focal points cannot assist in the conceptual design and specific elements to be included in a proposal. Applicants should submit completed proposals to the NOAA/NWS through the grants.gov portal rather than to individual focal points.

        1. Scientific Issues Related to the Preparation of NWS Digital Forecast Products
        Development of a national real-time, gridded verification system of surface-based parameters to track the accuracy of both the numerical model guidance and the official, forecaster-edited grids.
        Research, development, and implementation of statistical methods to objectively produce bias-corrected model grids (e.g. from grids, not just points) for operation forecast office use.
        Research, development, and implementation methods to objectively downscale forecast and ensemble grids to the resolution necessary (2-5 km) to improve Interactive Forecast Preparation System (IFPS) forecasts and forecast methodology.
        Development and implementation of climatology grids for use in graphical forecast editing applications.
        Development of short- and long-range ensemble mean, spread and ensemble-derived data in gridded form.

        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Andy Edman, NOAA/NWS/Western Region Scientific Services Division, 801-524-5131, or by email at andy.edman@noaa.gov.

        2. NWS Eastern Region Science Priorities
        Development of techniques to incorporate the effects of the region’s unique geomorphic features such as the Appalachian Mountains, Atlantic Seaboard, and the Great Lakes into operational forecast and warning services. This includes the impacts of these features on the type, amount, and intensity of precipitation, and the interaction of these terrain features with large scale weather systems such as winter storms, hurricanes, and closed lows.
        Development of improved, region-specific conceptual models for tornado, hail, high wind (both convective and synoptic), flash flood, and localized heavy snow events. Such development should include detailed investigation of the roles of mesoscale phenomenon such as gravity waves, thermal and moisture boundaries, and localized instabilities during these events.
        Development of improved detection and warning techniques for low-topped severe convection and associated tornado development, and pulse convection events.
        Improved understanding of cloud physics and associated microphysical processes associated with determining precipitation type, snowfall efficiency, and extreme rainfall rates and the development of associated advanced techniques for forecasting these phenomena. Improved understanding and modeling of snow melt and river ice formation and break-up processes.
        Improved forecasts and warnings of severe weather and heavy precipitation during tropical cyclone events.
        Improved storm surge forecasts and coastal flood warnings during tropical cyclone and extratropical storm events.
        Improved wind and wave forecasts for the Atlantic coastal zone (within 60 nm including the various bays and sounds along the Atlantic seaboard), and the Great Lakes.
        Development of improved techniques to forecast aviation weather hazards including convective initiation, fog, low ceilings, and low level wind shear.
        Development of new techniques to utilize lightning information in the forecast and warning process.
        Development of innovative approaches to formulate, produce, display, and deliver high resolution digital forecasts and products for the heavily populated eastern United States.
        Development of new techniques to utilize high resolution surface analysis grids to verify and evaluate digital forecasts.
        Development of new techniques to more effectively and efficiently utilize information from ensemble prediction systems in the forecast process.
        Development of innovative methodologies to communicate forecast uncertainties to a wide variety of users.

        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kenneth Johnson, NOAA/NWS/Eastern Region Scientific Services Division, 631-244-0136, or by email at Kenneth.Johnson@noaa.gov.

        3. NWS Southern Region Science Priorities
        Development of improved techniques for the prediction of freezing and frozen precipitation events in the NWS Southern Region, including timing, areal extent, intensity and amount.
        Development of diurnal lightning and cloud climatologies stratified by weather regime to better predict the onset, spatial coverage, and duration of precipitation, especially under weak synoptic forcing
        Development of improved techniques for the prediction of moisture return and the onset of precipitation in return flow regimes from the Gulf of Mexico.
        Development of improved techniques to forecast and monitor heavy-rain events.
        Development of relationships between land falling tropical cyclones and associated severe weather, including heavy precipitation, flooding and flash flooding, throughout the southern United States.
        Development of improved techniques to observe and forecast winds and waves in the coastal environment.
        Improved understanding of the influences of the complex terrain of the southern Appalachians, the Texas Hill Country, the Mexican Plateau, the Gulf Coast and the mountains of Puerto Rico on weather problems such as type, amount, duration and intensity of precipitation and resultant flash flooding.
        Development of optimal strategies for using mesoscale models to accurately predict the effects of topography and other surface forcing on local weather.
        Improved methodologies to better predict the development and duration of stratus, fog and other conditions which result in instrument flight rule (IFR) flying conditions in the NWS Southern Region.
        Development of methodologies for use of Doppler weather radar (WSR-88D) and multisensor technology to detect/identify storm features leading to, and/or associated with, the development of weak (F0 and F1) tornadoes and waterspouts which are characteristic of tropical and semi-tropical environments.
        Development of methodologies for the use of Doppler weather radar and other multi-sensor technology to detect precursor conditions and enhance forecast capabilities for improved warnings associated with microburst producing thunderstorms.
        Development of optimal WSR-88D scan strategies and adaptable parameter settings for accurately estimating heavy precipitation amounts.
        Development of techniques to improve hydrologic modeling and prediction for Southern U.S. rivers and streams, including calibration of models, improved distributive modeling techniques, and improved soil moisture accounting.
        Development of methodologies to better predict the type, duration, and severity of arctic outbreaks that result in damaging freezes affecting the NWS Southern Region.
        Development of improved methods for utilizing data analysis, manipulation and communication technology (Internet, Web sites, Geographic Information Systems, etc.) for preparing and disseminating high resolution hydrological and meteorological forecasts and products which best serve the changing needs of varied users.

        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David “Rusty” Billingsley, NOAA/NWS/Southern Region Scientific Services Division, 817-978-1300, or by email at david.billingsley@noaa.gov.

        4. NWS Central Region Science Priorities
        Improved understanding and development of conceptual models for tornado-genesis, hailsize, high wind, precipitation intensity and elevated nocturnal convection events.
        Improved understanding and development of methodologies for increasing warning accuracy and lead times for low-topped severe convection and associated tornado development.
        Improved understanding and development of methodologies for increasing warning accuracy and lead times for non-supercell tornadoes.
        Research and development of methodologies for the use of dual-polarimetric Doppler weather radar and other multi-sensor technology to detect precursor conditions and enhance forecast capabilities for improved warnings. Development of more accurate diagnostic methodologies to interrogate remotely sensed data (radar, satellite, etc.) and numerical weather guidance with a focus on severe thunderstorm and tornado environments.
        Develop a climatology of winter precipitation events including, but not limited to, heavy snow, sleet, freezing rain and water equivalent of snowfall.
        Link cloud physics and associated micro-physical processes, precipitation efficiency, water vapor distribution, and transport of winter stratiform and/or convective clouds to improved methodologies for estimating or forecasting winter precipitation amounts.
        Improve the accuracy (probability of detection) and lead time for high impact weather events by better understanding the predictability of these events by numerical models and the application of model ensemble techniques in the forecast process.
        Research and Development of methodologies for reliably forecasting cloud-to-ground lightning.
        Developing a climatology of ceiling, visibility, thunderstorms and low-level wind shear for aviation terminals and terminal radar approach control areas.
        Development of methodologies to forecast the onset and dissipation of fog and low ceilings.
        Improve the utilization of numerical guidance in the forecast process by developing more efficient and effective methodologies to display, review, and interrogate numerical model output in an operational environment.
        Improve the quality of weather services to the public through the development of new and innovative forecast methodologies and products, including innovative methodologies to communicate forecast uncertainties to a wide variety of users.
        Improve probabilistic river forecasts through the use of climate data, climate model forecasts and meteorological forecasts (wind, dewpoint).

        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Peter Browning, NOAA/NWS/Central Region Scientific Services Division, 816-891-7734 ext. 300, or by email at Peter.Browning@noaa.gov.

        5. NWS Western Region Science Priorities
        Priorities stated in section related to the preparation of NWS digital forecast products above, with a focus on complex mountainous terrain and coastal environment.
        Improve acquisition and use of non-NWS observational networks, such as mesonets.
        Improve analysis through better assimilation systems that produce more realistic analysis in complex terrain and coastal areas.
        Identify and help improve the relationship of public safety and economic impacts due to significant meteorological and hydrological events in the mountainous western U.S.
        In the West, water is a critical and closely managed resource. Improve operational precipitation (snow/rain as it varies with elevation) and hydrological forecasts in complex terrain across a wide range of western U.S. meteorological regimes.
        Improve hydrological modeling, through use of emerging techniques, such as distributed hydrologic modeling, of rain/snow melt processes in complex terrain.
        Improve fire-weather forecasts and smoke dispersion in the western United States.

        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Andy Edman, NOAA/NWS/Western Region Scientific Services Division, 801-524-5131, or by email at andy.edman@noaa.gov.

        6. NWS Alaska Region Science Priorities
        Improve the accuracy (probability of detection) and lead time for high impact weather events by better understanding the predictability of these events by numerical models and the application of model ensemble techniques in the forecast process.
        Developing a climatology of sea ice, ocean waves, air and water temperature, wind speed and direction, and permafrost to aid in forecasting impacts of storms on coastal erosion in Alaska.
        Improve the utilization of numerical guidance in the forecast process by developing more efficient and effective methodologies to display, review, and interrogate numerical model output in an operational environment.
        Improve the quality of weather services to the public through the development of new and innovative forecast methodologies and products, including innovative methodologies to communicate forecast uncertainties to a wide variety of users.
        Improve the quality of numerical model analyses and forecasts in the North Pacific and over Alaska, including improved data assimilation techniques, characterization of the arctic and marine boundary layers, and processes related to the ocean-atmosphere-cryosphere interfaces.

        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James Partain, NOAA/NWS/Alaska Region Environmental and Scientific Services Division, 907-271-5131/907-271-3886, or by email at james.partain@noaa.gov.

        7. NWS Pacific Region Science Priorities
        Use Geographic Information Systems technology to display, analyze, and process hydrometeorological forecast and observational data.
        Develop techniques to assess and improve forecasts of tropical cyclone intensity in the Pacific.
        Optimize the utility of new and existing observing systems, with emphasis on satellites and their use in providing precipitation estimations.
        Develop, optimize, and utilize local high resolution modeling capabilities aimed at providing operational real time guidance as well as a tool for locally conducted research.
        Conduct Pacific Basin synoptic climatological studies, with emphasis on flash-flood and high wind events.

        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ken Waters, NOAA/NWS/Pacific Region Regional Scientist, 808-532-6413, or by email at Ken.Waters@noaa.gov. 8. NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction Science Priorities

        Hydrometeorological Prediction Center
        Develop new model verification techniques to enhance current methods of objectively assessing which models will perform best (6h - 7day lead times).
        Develop techniques to modify gridded numerical guidance to produce gridded forecast products, which are made horizontally, vertically, and temporally consistent using sound meteorological theory.
        Find better ways to manipulate model guidance to produce gridded sensible weather forecasts that can be efficiently and effectively ingested by IFPS for use at WFOs and RFCs.
        Develop better techniques to incorporate uncertainty derived from short and medium range ensembles forecasts into the forecast process and convey this uncertainty to users of HPC products.
        Develop improved techniques to forecast extreme rainfall events.
        Develop improved techniques for the prediction of freezing and frozen precipitation events (timing, areal extent, intensity, and amount). Ocean Prediction Center
        Improve use of all sources of surface marine observations in data assimilation for numerical weather prediction.
        Improve numerical weather prediction of marine boundary layer.
        Improve numerical weather prediction of explosive extratropical cyclogenesis.
        Improve numerical weather prediction of hazardous mesoscale marine conditions in the vicinity of the Gulf Stream. Storm Prediction Center
        Develop mesoscale or storm scale numerical prediction models, ensemble approaches, and verification techniques to improve forecasts of the location, timing, intensity, and mode of deep moist convection and its associated hazards.
        Develop three dimensional mesoscale analysis techniques, observing systems, expert systems or statistical guidance, robust conceptual models, and scientific understanding to improve forecasts of the location, timing, intensity, and mode of deep moist convection and its associated hazards.
        Develop operational techniques to synthesize, view, and analyze total lightning, determine its association to convective weather types, and develop total lightning forecast techniques and products.
        Develop techniques to observe and integrate in real-time the detailed 4-dimensional evolution of atmospheric water vapor, blending multi-sensor data from satellite, radar, aircraft, and other remote sensing sources (e.g., GPS, WSR-88D refractivity, TAMDAR, WVSS, and RASS), and develop new operational display and analysis tools to accurately depict the distribution of water vapor for use in convective forecasting. Aviation Weather Center
        Evaluation and analysis of verification techniques to understand which parameters are most useful and usable to AIRMET and SIGMET verification.
        Development and implementation of tools for the conversion of cloud height observations and forecasts from height above ground to height above sea level for the diagnosis and forecast of mountain obscuration.
        Triggers to the production of moderate or greater turbulence outside regions under convective SIGMETs, rather arbitrarily divided into three height-based regimes:
        Boundary layer (turbulence impacts surface to ~ 2 kft above the top of the boundary layer)
        Mid level (turbulence impacts from top of boundary layer to FL180)
        High level (turbulence impacts above FL180)
        Evaluation and analysis of global convection detection and monitoring techniques with time scales of one hour or less.
        Evaluation and analysis of model and ensemble diagnostic fields specific to enroute aviation forecasts (e.g., Ellrod index, TKE, CIP, FIP, GTG, RAP ICE, etc.) Climate Prediction Center
        Develop physically based techniques to improve the prediction skill of weekly (e.g., 6-10 Day, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4), monthly, and seasonal precipitation and temperature, including regional climate prediction systems. Methods may include improving dynamic and coupled models and model ensembles, as well as combining output from multiple models and super-ensembles.
        Develop improved national and global forecasts of seasonal climate variability through better understanding of the couple atmosphere/ocean system and the effects of climate variations on that coupling and on ensemble systems.
        Improve the ability of climate models to capture the statistics of weather, and the linkage between climate variability and weather extremes.
        Improve objectivity and verification techniques for U. S. and international Threats Assessments which cover time scales from several days to multiple seasons. Threats include all extreme weather and climate phenomena such as droughts, floods, storms, hurricanes, cold, heat.
        Develop comprehensive modeling of land surface hydrology to the benefit of physical understanding, and improved hydrological forecasts in all seasons and improved seasonal temperature and precipitation forecasts in the warm half year.
        Develop improved methods for predicting and using, short and long time scale variability in seasonal climate forecasting, e.g., the Arctic Oscillation and the Madden Julian Oscillation. This may also include investigation of possible interaction between troposphere and stratosphere and the long-term aspects of ozone change and climate trends/change in general.
        Develop improved and collaborative methods for diagnosing, evaluating and comparing climate model output.
        Develop improved drought monitoring and seasonal drought outlook techniques.
        Improve seasonal hurricane outlooks through improved understanding of the impacts of intraseasonal and decadal scale variability on tropical storm activity. Tropical Prediction Center
        Improve understanding and guidance on tropical cyclone intensity change, with highest priority on the onset, duration and magnitude of rapid intensification events for tropical cyclones.
        Identify, understand, and then reduce guidance and official track forecast error of outlier storms, focusing on both large speed errors (e.g., accelerating "recurvers" and stalling storms) and large direction errors (e.g., loops and tropical cyclones like Mitch (1998) and Keith (2000)).
        Develop statistically based real time "guidance on guidance" for track, including multi model consensus approaches, "super ensembling", etc. Provide guidance to forecasters in probabilistic and other formats.

        (Note: In all instances, projects are encouraged which not only address the priorities of individual NCEP service centers but also address aspects of the NCEP/Environmental Modeling Center’s goals for improving data assimilation and numerical modeling of the atmosphere, oceans, and Earth’s surface.)

        FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dennis Staley, NOAA/NWS/National Centers for Environmental Prediction, 301-763-8000 ext. 7007, or by email at Dennis.Staley@noaa.gov.