III. Eligibility Information - Other Criteria that Affect Eligibility

Grants Online Notice of Funding Opportunity Document Creation Assistance

NOFO Field: Other Criteria that Affect Eligibility

NOFO Location: Eligibility Information - third (and last) field
- Preceding Field: Cost Share or Matching Requirement
- Subsequent Field: Address to Request Application Package

OMB Guidance:
III. Eligibility Information
        This section addresses considerations or factors that make an applicant or application eligible or ineligible for consideration. This includes the eligibility of particular types of applicant organizations, any factors affecting the eligibility of the principal investigator or project director, and any criteria that make particular projects ineligible. You should make clear whether an applicant’s failure to meet an eligibility criterion by the time of an application deadline will result in your agency’s returning the application without review or, even though an application may be reviewed, will preclude the agency from making an award. Key elements to be addressed are:
        3. Other -- Required, if applicable.
If there are other eligibility criteria (i.e., criteria that have the effect of making an application or project ineligible for award, whether you refer to them as ‘‘responsiveness’’ criteria, ‘‘go-no go’’ criteria, ‘‘threshold’’ criteria, or in other ways), you must clearly state them. For example, if entities that have been found to be in violation of a particular Federal statute are ineligible, it is important to say so. In this section you also must state any limit on the number of applications an applicant may submit under the announcement and make clear whether the limitation is on the submitting organization, individual investigator/program director, or both. Also use this section to address any eligibility criteria for beneficiaries or for program participants other than award recipients.

Additional Guidance:

  • Do not enter the field name (shown in bold in the examples). The NOFO generator will enter the field name.
  • The Department has broken this required section into 3 required subsections. Other Criteria that Affect Eligibility is the third of these.

Published Examples:

        C. Other Criteria that Affect Eligibility:

        Not applicable

        C. Other Criteria that Affect Eligibility:

        Each proposal must also include the twelve elements listed under Proposal Requirements, (a)-(l) or it will be returned to sender without further consideration.

        C. Other Criteria that Affect Eligibility:

        Proposals must meet the statutory requirements of Ballast Water Management Demonstration Program projects as codified in Title 16, United States Code, section 4714, including the requirement that installation and construction of the technologies and practices used in the demonstration program must be performed in the United States.

        Certain actions, such as discharge of water containing materials defined as pollutants by authorized regulatory agencies, or discharge of un-exchanged ballast water from beyond the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone into the Great Lakes, may require regulatory approval. A proposal that requires such approval in order to carry out its work plan may be considered ineligible for funding if (a) the applicant does not request approval from the appropriate regulatory body, (b) the regulatory body denies the request, or (c) the regulatory body has not decided whether to grant the request at the time funding decisions under this program are made.