IV. Application and Submission Information - Content and Form of Application

Grants Online Notice of Funding Opportunity Document Creation Assistance

NOFO Field: Content and Form of Application

NOFO Location: Application and Submission Information - second field
- Preceding Field: Address to Request Application Package
- Subsequent Field: Unique entity identifier and System for Award Management (SAM)

OMB Guidance:
IV. Application and Submission Information
        2. Content and Form of Application Submission -- Required.
        This section must identify the required content of an application and the forms or formats that an applicant must use to submit it. If any requirements are stated elsewhere because they are general requirements that apply to multiple programs or funding opportunities, this section may refer to where those requirements may be found. This section also should address any preliminary submissions that the agency requires or encourages, either to facilitate its own planning or to provide potential applicants with feedback to help them decide whether to submit a full proposal.
        For a full application, this includes all content and forms or formats that constitute a complete application, including: general information (e.g., applicant name and address), budgetary information, narrative programmatic information, biographical sketches, and all other required information (e.g., documentation that an applicant meets stated eligibility criteria or certifications or assurances of compliance with applicable requirements, such as evidence of compliance with human subjects requirements). You must either include required forms or formats as part of this announcement or state where the applicant may obtain them.
        In this section, you should specifically address content and form or format requirements for:
        - Pre-applications, letters of intent, or white papers that your agency requires or encourages (see Section IV.3), including any limitations on the number of pages or other formatting requirements similar to those for full applications.
        - The application as a whole. For hard copy submissions, that could include any limitations on the number of pages, font size and typeface, margins, paper size, number of copies, and sequence or assembly requirements. If electronic submission is permitted or required,* that could include special requirements for formatting or signatures.
        - Component pieces of the application (e.g., if all copies of the application must bear original signatures on the face page or the program narrative may not exceed 10 pages). This includes any pieces that may be submitted separately by third parties (e.g., references or letters confirming commitments from third parties that will be contributing a portion of any required cost sharing).
        - Information that successful applicants must submit after your agency notifies them of its intent to make awards, but prior to award. This could include evidence of compliance with human subjects requirements or information your agency needs to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Additional Guidance:

  • Do not enter the field name (shown in bold in the examples). The NOFO generator will enter the field name.
  • Content and Form of Application is the second of 3 subsections under Application and Submission Information.
  • Only if data sharing is expected:   Proposals submitted in response to this Announcement must include a Data Management Plan (up to 2 pages). See Section VI.B., Administrative and National Policy Requirements, below for additional information on what the plan should contain.
  • Only if data sharing is not expected:   This announcement is not seeking proposals that generate environmental data. Therefore, a Data Management Plan is not required as part of the Proposal.
  • Only if NEPA/enviornmental data is expected:   Applicants are required to submit answers to [either list the question numbers from the NOAA NEPA questionnaire or state the specific questions.] See Section VI.B., Administrative and National Policy Requirements, below for additional NEPA information.
  • Only if NEPA/environmental data is not expected:   No reference to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) questionnaire is required in the proposal.

Published Examples:

        B. Content and Form of Application:

        Applications must adhere to the provisions under "Applications" and the six requirements under "Required Elements" by the deadline of April 5, 2007. Failure to follow these restrictions will result in applications being rejected without review.

        1. Applications
        Interested students should discuss this fellowship with their local Sea Grant Program Director. Applicants from states not served by a Sea Grant program should contact the NSGO; subsequently, the applicant will be referred to the appropriate Sea Grant program. Applications must be submitted by the deadline set in the local Sea Grant announcement. Each Sea Grant program may select and forward to the NSGO no more than six (6) applicants based on the evaluation criteria used by the NSGO in the national competition.

        2. Required Elements
        An application must include:
        (1) Personal and academic curriculum vitae (not to exceed two pages).
        (2) A personal education and career goal statement emphasizing the applicant’s abilities and the applicant’s expectations from the experience in the way of career development (1000 words or less). Placement preference in the Legislative or Executive Branches of the Government may be stated; this preference will be honored to the extent possible.
        (3) Two letters of recommendation, including one from the student’s major professor; if no major professor exists, the faculty person academically knowing the applicant best may be substituted.
        (4) A letter of endorsement from the sponsoring Sea Grant Program Director.
        (5) Copy of all official undergraduate and graduate student transcripts.
        (6) Listing of classes and/or plans for spring 2007, summer 2007 and fall 2007 (not to exceed one page).
        All applicants will be evaluated solely on their application package according to the criteria listed below. Therefore, letters of endorsement from members of Congress, friends, relatives and others will not be accepted. Prior contacts/arrangements made with possible host offices will be cause for immediate disqualification from the process.

        B. Content and Form of Application:

        Each application package must include the following items: Failure to submit these items exactly as described in each section below or if any item is omitted will disqualify the application from consideration. All of these items, except as stated in section B.6. about the submission of letters of recommendations, must be submitted as part of the on-line submission process.

        1. Standard Form 424 (SF-424), Application for Federal Assistance is located on grants.gov and must be completed with information pertinent to the applicant.

        2. General Information Sheet

        Provide the information outlined below, but do not exceed 2 typewritten pages. General Information Sheets that are longer than 2 pages in length will not be accepted and will result in the application being disqualified.

        a. Personal Data: Provide your full name, country of citizenship, current address, permanent address, and home and work telephone numbers. If you can be reached by fax or email, include that information. Optional B for statistical collection purposes only: indicate your gender, and race or ethnicity.

        b. Degree Sought: State your proposed field of study (oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archaeology) and degree type you are seeking (e.g. M.S., M.A., Ph.D.). Include the month and year you expect the degree to be awarded. State the name and location of your institution.

        c. Education: List the academic degrees you have received, or expect to receive by the start of your proposed graduate studies for this program, including the date of receipt and institution. Provide your graduate advisor’s name, address, telephone, fax number, and e-mail address.

        d. Academic Honors. List any academic honors that you have received.

        e. Relevant Work Experience. List work experience related to your field of study. You may include research and teaching assistantships and any other paid or unpaid work.

        f. Statement of Financial Need: In a concise paragraph, discuss how you plan to fund your graduate level education and what the impact will be if you do not receive this scholarship. Also, list the following in the order stated: estimated amount needed for tuition and fees, all resources currently available to you to cover your graduate studies (e.g., grants, student loans, scholarships, research or teaching assistant positions, personal funds), the length of time these resources will be available and if they include work requirements, other resources for which you have applied and have received, as well as those for which you have not received a response.

        3. Statement of Intent

        The Statement of Intent is a self-description of your academic research and career goals, and how your proposed course of study or research will help you achieve these goals. This is your opportunity to present yourself, your beliefs, and your aspirations. Include any background information you believe is pertinent, and provide insight into why you have chosen the goals you are pursuing. This statement should not be a research proposal or scientific abstract. This statement will be used to evaluate you as an individual, not necessarily as a scientist, and your motivation for applying for this scholarship. This statement should demonstrate your organizational, analytical, and written communication skills. The statement of intent should be typewritten, single-spaced on a blank sheet of paper, and should not exceed one page in length. Statements longer than one page will not be accepted and will result in the application being disqualified.

        4. Institute Certification

        A letter from the applicant=s institution certifying that the student is enrolled or has accepted an offer to a graduate program must be submitted with the application. The letter should consist of the following information on school letterhead and be signed by a school official: Name and location of the academic institution, the school and department that you are currently attending or plan to attend, and the month and year your studies will begin if you are not currently enrolled. It is preferable that the institute certification described above be used. However, some institutions will only provide a standardized institute certification, in which cases they will be acceptable. If you have a graduate advisor, list his/her name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and an e-mail address, if available in the Institute Certification portion of your application. Current transcripts or letters of acceptance from the institution will not be accepted in lieu of the Institute Certification. Failure to include the Institute Certification specifically as indicated above will result in the application being disqualified.

        5. Transcripts

        Provide transcripts for all university/college level studies. Photocopied transcripts are acceptable. Transcripts must be included with all other application materials. Those mailed separately will not be accepted. Failure to include transcripts from all previous university/college-level studies will result in the application being disqualified.

        6. Three Letters of Recommendation

        Each application must include three, and only three, signed letters of recommendation from individuals who have knowledge of your academic record, research effort, work and/or life experience. Relevant paid work, such as internships and volunteer efforts, is applicable. If you have a sponsor or advisor in the program, one of these letters should be from that individual. Letters of recommendation should be opened and uploaded for electronic submission via http://grants.gov. If an individual writing a recommendation requests that the applicant not open the letter of recommendation, the applicant should send all of the three letters of recommendation together in one envelop to the address stated in IV. A above. Applications without three, signed letters of recommendation or with more than three letters of recommendation will result in the application being disqualified.

        7. Declaration

        Applicants must certify that all statements and information in their application are true and correct by copying the following on a separate plain sheet of paper, signing it, and including it in their application package:

        I, the undersigned, declare, under penalty of perjury, that all statements and information in my application are true and correct.

        Executed on [insert date] _____________________________
        Print or type Name __________________________________

        Failure to include this statement, signed by the applicant, will result in the application being disqualified.

        B. Content and Form of Application:

        The guidelines for preparation of LOIs and full proposals provided below are mandatory (except where otherwise noted). Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in LOIs and/or full proposals being returned without review.

        1. LOIs

        (a) Prior to submitting a full proposal, PIs are strongly encouraged to submit a LOI for each planned proposal. However, PIs who do not submit a LOI will not be precluded from submitting a full proposal.
        (b) The LOI must be no more than two pages in length, using a 12-point font and one inch margins, and it must include the name(s) of the PI(s) and their home institution(s).
        (c) The LOI must contain a brief description of the intended project.
        (d) The LOI must include a brief budget which summarizes how resources will be allocated [e.g., salaries, computing and communications, equipment (provide justification), indirect charges, and travel]. Note that funding for secretarial support and IT improvements at the PI's home institution is not generally available.
        (e) Each LOI will be reviewed, following the criteria specified below in Section V.A. of this notice, by members of the JHT Steering Committee, and/or other designated reviewers, who will make their recommendations to the JHT Director and TPC/NHC Director.
        (f) All PIs will be notified whether a full proposal is encouraged or discouraged based on the review of their LOI. Even though a full proposal may be discouraged, a PI will not be precluded from submitting a full proposal. All PIs will receive a short synthesis of the factors that led to the recommendation regarding their own reviewed LOI(s).

        2. Full Proposals

        (a) The proposal must include a title page signed by the PI(s) and the appropriate representatives(s) of their home institution(s). Each PI and institutional representative should be identified by full name, title, organization, telephone number, mailing address, and e-mail address.
        (b) A one-page abstract must be included and must contain a brief summary of the proposed work to be completed. The abstract must appear on a separate page, headed with the proposal title and the name(s) of the PI(s) and their home institution(s).
        (c) All proposals must provide a Statement of Work that includes:
        (c.1) The proposed duration of the project, from one to two years;
        (c.2) A brief description of the project, with prior research results (including references) to demonstrate sufficient maturity and potential for a successful transition to operations at TPC/NHC and other operational forecast centers (e.g., CPHC, JTWC) and/or, if applicable, at a numerical weather prediction center;
        (c.3) A proposed work plan for the project, including hardware and software needs, the testing and evaluation approach, metric(s) for success, project deliverables, a time line with key milestones, real-time operational data needed as input, and a plan to port necessary codes to the operational environment of TPC/NHC and/or NCEP Central Operations (NCO). An overview of the JHT and TPC/NHC operational IT environments can be obtained from the JHT website: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/jht/tpc_JHT_IT_structure_june06.pdf. For applicants without Internet access, this information can be obtained by contacting: Dr. Jiann- Gwo Jiing, Director, Joint Hurricane Testbed, Tropical Prediction Center, 11691 SW. 17th Street, Miami, FL 33165, phone (305) 229-4443, or via e-mail at Jiann-Gwo.Jiing@noaa.gov. Final work plans for approved projects will be reached by agreement between the PI and the JHT Director;
        (c.4) A time line for delivering scientific and technical documentation and training materials over the course of the project that are sufficient to enable testing and evaluation of the proposed techniques. If the proposal is funded, researchers are expected to coordinate with the JHT Director to formalize this time line;
        (c.5) Schedule and needs for expected travel. PIs are strongly encouraged to plan and budget during each year of the project to describe their work at the annual Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference (IHC), sponsored by the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research. Additionally, visits by PIs and/or their support staff to the TPC/NHC, and any other operational center(s) as necessary, may be beneficial for training JHT staff and the forecaster and technical point(s) of contact in preparation for project testing and evaluation; and
        (c.6) Estimates of JHT staff requirements in terms of on-site (or off- site) JHT facilitator efforts, and estimated computational, communication, and/or display requirements at the researcher's home institution and/or at JHT via remote access and data transfer.
        (d) All applicants must submit a budget that includes PI and scientific and technical support staff salaries, JHT facility requirements, computing and communications funding, equipment funding (provide justification), indirect charges, and travel. Note that funding for secretarial support and IT improvements at the PI's home institution is not generally available. Non-federal applicants must use Standard Form 424A, Budget Information--Non-Construction Programs that is contained in the standard NOAA Grants and Cooperative Agreement Application Package.
        (e) Non-federal applicants must submit additional forms included in the standard NOAA Grants and Cooperative Agreement Application Package (see section IV.A above).
        (f) An abbreviated Curriculum Vita for the PI must be included. Reference lists should be limited to all publications in the last three years with up to five other relevant papers.
        (g) Current and pending Federal support: Each investigator must submit a list that includes project title; supporting agency with grant number, investigator months, dollar value and duration. Requested amounts should be listed for pending Federal support.
        (h) Additional proposal requirements include:
        (h.1) For applications submitted in hard copy, one signed original and two additional hard copies of the complete proposal must be submitted Submission of an electronic copy in PDF format of the proposal document via the http://grants.gov/Apply website (abstract, Statement of Work, and budget) is strongly encouraged to facilitate the review process.
        (h.2) Each proposal must be dated and contain page numbers;
        (h.3) Items 2b and 2c above must be contained within no more than ten pages, using a 12-point font and one-inch margins.