
On a reef off the coast of Rota Island, divers conduct a belt-transect surveyof the benthos on April 8 during the PIFSC cruise HA-14-01, the 6th expeditionthe 6th expedition in the Mariana Archipelago since 2003 for the Pacific ReefAssessment and Monitoring Program which is led by the PIFSC Coral ReefEcosystem Division


On a reef off the coast of Rota Island, divers conduct a belt-transect surveyof the benthos on April 8 during the PIFSC cruise HA-14-01, the 6th expeditionthe 6th expedition in the Mariana Archipelago since 2003 for the Pacific ReefAssessment and Monitoring Program which is led by the PIFSC Coral ReefEcosystem Division.


NOAA/NMFS/Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Blog


Bernardo Vargas-'Angel

Display Date

2014 April 8


Mariana Islands, Rota


Coral Kingdom