
A white translucent pregnant coral in the upper left, translucent sponges, two small octocorals ( one looking right down on the extended star-shapedpolyp from a perpendicular direction as seen on the sponge in the left center,small white corals with stubby stalks, and a  white tube worm withtentacles extended


A white translucent pregnant coral in the upper left, translucent sponges, two small octocorals ( one looking right down on the extended star-shapedpolyp from a perpendicular direction as seen on the sponge in the left center,small white corals with stubby stalks, and a white tube worm withtentacles extended.


NOAA OKEANOS EXPLORER Program; Our Deepwater Backyard

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Voyage to Inner Space
Ocean Exploration Collections
Modern Expeditions
Our Deepwater Backyard 2014