
A large cusk eel,  a large orange and white squat lobster, a small tan coloredsquat lobster in the lower left, some worm tubes, a large white anemone,white zoanthids, and unique octocoral in the upper right withmultiple arms extending from a white base


A large cusk eel, a large orange and white squat lobster, a small tan coloredsquat lobster in the lower left, some worm tubes, a large white anemone,white zoanthids, and unique octocoral in the upper right withmultiple arms extending from a white base. There are also yellowfeather star crinoids and two sponges below the squat lobster.


Lophelia II

Display Date

2008 October 1 2126


Voyage to Inner Space
Ocean Exploration Collection
Modern Expeditions
Lophelia II Expeditions