
This excerpt from International Aspects of Oceanography, an NSF publication, waswritten by Wayland Vaughn of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in 1937 and describes the contribution of both echo-sounding and the navigation systemtermed Radio-Acoustic Ranging (RAR) to the mapping of the seafloor


This excerpt from International Aspects of Oceanography, an NSF publication, waswritten by Wayland Vaughn of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in 1937 and describes the contribution of both echo-sounding and the navigation systemtermed Radio-Acoustic Ranging (RAR) to the mapping of the seafloor. RAR wasdeveloped by the C&GS; and used to survey U.S.continental margins in the 1930's.


NOAA Central Library Historical Collection


Voyage to Inner Space
History of Oceanography Collection
Bathymetric Maps Collection