
Bill Thomas (L) , Director Pacific Services Center, and Manning Taite (R),Environmental Literacy Coordinator, (PSC) are shown at the 50th Hawai'i StateScience and Engineering Fair with the winner of NOAA's Taking the Pulse of thePlanet Award, Christopher Hakoda, a 9th Grade student at Mililani High Schoolon O'ahu


Bill Thomas (L) , Director Pacific Services Center, and Manning Taite (R),Environmental Literacy Coordinator, (PSC) are shown at the 50th Hawai'i StateScience and Engineering Fair with the winner of NOAA's Taking the Pulse of thePlanet Award, Christopher Hakoda, a 9th Grade student at Mililani High Schoolon O'ahu. His project was Reducing Tsunami Inundation and Run-up.


NOAA 200th Anniversary Postcards from the Field


Hawaii, Oahu, Honolulu


NOAA People