
Fulfilling the National Marine Sanctuaries Act mandate to cooperate with othergovernments in the protection and management of special marine areas, aNOAA team comprising from L-R George Galasso, Ann Weaver, Bob Steelquist, andAnn Walton, as well as Paula Brown ( R at end) worked with Vietnamese mentors in training a management team for the soon to be designated Phu Quoc MPA


Fulfilling the National Marine Sanctuaries Act mandate to cooperate with othergovernments in the protection and management of special marine areas, aNOAA team comprising from L-R George Galasso, Ann Weaver, Bob Steelquist, andAnn Walton, as well as Paula Brown ( R at end) worked with Vietnamese mentors in training a management team for the soon to be designated Phu Quoc MPA.


NOAA 200th Anniversary Postcards from the Field

Display Date

2007 May




NOAA People