Shareable precipitype - snow



Share your precipitype with your friends! You are snow. You are unique and not afraid to march to the beat of your own drum. Like snow, which may look uniform from afar, but is truly made of unique crystals, people may miss your individual spirit until they get to know you. Your individuality thrives when your routines are in place and your daily life is consistent, just as snow forms when conditions remain below freezing — from where it forms in the cloud to where it falls on the ground. Though individual snowflakes are delicate, once snow has fallen, it forms a snowpack as it accumulates that can persist for a long time. Similarly, you value the friendships of those closest to you and you all hold each other up during times of need. Looking closely at snow crystals and snowpacks can tell the story of change over time — through melt and refreeze, compression from new snowfalls, and changing weather conditions. In the same way, you stay alongside your closest friends and family as you grow and change, and your personality holds onto both your individual and shared history and experiences.


NOAA Education

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