St. Louis River DIVER Data Systems

This project continues the development of NOAA’s Great Lakes DIVER data warehouse, query, and visualization tools to meet the data system requirements of the SLR AOC managers. Under previous GLRI funding, NOAA incorporated the Great Lakes sediment chemistry data. Focus of this work tailors the database to SLR management. SLR managers and stakeholders identified their need for an accessible and visual database that can be queried to effectively manage and eventually delist their AOC. Also developed the necessary framework to include benthic invertebrate data and vegetation data. In FY16, we worked with our partners to finalize a prioritized list of additional functions and user needs for the SLR Data System. FY17 added functions to GL DIVER, delivering trainings, and receiving feedback from users that led to additional prioritized functions developed for GL DIVER. Current efforts are focused on the continued ingestion of new data and maintenance of the database for future use, covering data processing, entry, validation, and quality assurance into GL DIVER and trainings to SLR managers. These efforts support the process of removing BUIs and delisting the AOCs. DIVER is being used by managers in all AOCs in the Great Lakes region.

The SLR DIVER Data Systems feature:

  • Robust querying, filtering and visualization of chemical and non-chemical data within the SLR AOC
  • The capacity for partners to work directly with all SLR datasets and create their own products


FY 2017: $240,000
FY 2016: $260,000

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