Asian Carp Education and Outreach

Through this project the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network will respond to opportunities and requests for education and outreach on Asian carp and regional control efforts within each of the eight Great Lakes states.  Sea Grant will develop an Asian Carp Education and Outreach PowerPoint presentation that will focus on preventing the spread of Asian Carp.

Target audiences may include anglers, charter captains, teachers and students, the general public, elected officials, resource managers, decision makers, marina operators, boaters, port directors, coastal county commissioners and mayors, and many partner or collaborating organizations including state Departments of Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy, the US Environmental Protection Agency, the US Geological Service, the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, the International Joint Commission, and others. By using the established outreach and extension programs of the various Great Lakes states Sea Grant offices, NOAA will be able to more effectively reach recreational and resource users to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species in the region.

GLRI Funding
FY12: $98,000

Christopher Winslow, Ohio Sea Grant Program,