Piloting Green Infrastructure BMPs at Clean Marinas

Michigan Sea Grant and Ohio Sea Grant, the co-leaders of the Great Lakes Clean Marina Network, are developing an interactive decision support tool complete with 3-D renderings and 360 video as part of the existing Ideal Clean Marina visualization map. This tool will help marinas and the Great Lakes state Clean Marina Program staff prioritize green infrastructure for current and future scenarios.

The Ohio project team is working with a with contractors to design and install up to four green infrastructure practices at up to two certified Clean Marinas in the Western Lake Erie Basin during the spring summer of 2020. This work will include pre- and post-installation monitoring data. Michigan Sea Grant will design educational signage and outreach materials for the project.

Michigan Sea Grant will lead the development of a case study and coordinate a post-project workshop for the Great Lakes Clean Marina Network that will share lessons learned with particular focus on the Ideal Clean Marina tool, green infrastructure installation, and stakeholder engagement. Following project completion, the Great Lakes Clean Marina Network will incorporate the interactive Ideal Clean Marina tool and case study into the online Clean Marina Classroom and promote this project as a model for other Clean Marinas across the Great Lakes through the network.

GLRI Funding
FY2019: $125,000
FY2015: $60,000
FY2014: $60,000

Michigan Sea Grant

Other partners:
Sub-awardees: Ohio Sea Grant and the Ohio Clean Marinas Program (Sarah Orlando and Heather Sheets) as well as Erie County Soil & Water Conservation District