Lake Erie harmful algal bloom forecast on June 30

Online webinar followed by media Q&A session with lead forecaster

Harmful algal bloom in Western Basin of Lake Erie on September 20, 2017. An aerial photograph shows a lake, clogged with green colored algae surrounding a white lighthouse.

Harmful algal bloom in Western Basin of Lake Erie on September 20, 2017. (Image credit: Aerial Associates Photography, Inc. by Zachary Haslick)

NOAA will release its 2022 harmful algal bloom forecast for Lake Erie on Thurs., June 30 during a media briefing hosted by Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory at The Ohio State University.

The event will be held online for the press and public. A moderated Q&A session limited to media will follow the forecast. A Q&A session for stakeholders will follow the media briefing.


NOAA’s 2022 harmful algal bloom forecast for Lake Erie, followed by related presentations.


Thurs., June 30, 11:00 a.m. EDT



Reporters must register here offsite link to receive the link to the Zoom presentation in order to view graphics and ask questions. (If preferred, reporters can hear an audio feed of the webinar by telephone, but telephone users will not be able to ask questions in the Q&A session.)

Phone for audio listening ONLY:
US: +1 646 876 9923  
Webinar ID: 946 9819 2750
Password: 56546852


Media contacts

Alison Gillespie, NOAA,, (202) 713-6644

Jill Jentes, Ohio State University,, (614) 937-0072