Gina McCullough

Gina McCullough

Chesapeake B-WET project participant
Charles County Public Schools’ Bridging the Watershed MWEE project

B-WET professional development helped me recognize how interconnected various content areas are with the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) framework.

Gina McCullough, Chesapeake B-WET project participant

What is your current job?

I am a MWEE Outreach Educator for middle and high school students of Charles County Public Schools in La Plata, Maryland.

Please share a meaningful experience you had during the NOAA Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) project you participated in. 

B-WET professional development helped me recognize how interconnected various content areas are with the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) framework. I took those ideas and skills and created professional development opportunities for our Charles County Public Schools teachers.

How has the B-WET program helped you grow personally and/or professionally?

Professionally I have learned how to better align curricular content with the MWEE framework. I seek opportunities to involve not only science, but other content areas such as social studies, math, and art. Personally, it has reaffirmed my belief that change is possible and young people will be the strongest change agent. 

Has B-WET changed the way you think about environmental education?

I have always felt experiential learning is superior to other learning methods, but I do focus more on the cross-curricular connection. I feel it is important to give teachers the resources they need and not make it an additional portion on their already full plate.

What advice do you have for other educators interested in doing more environmental education?

My best advice is: trust me. It is my job to guide educators and increase their comfort level with MWEE programs. I strongly encourage them to talk to other teachers that have participated. They fear they don’t have time to make things “fit.” This is where the curricular connection is most valuable. I also try to help them understand that while we have assessments and requirements, we can also let go for a day and just be. Learning will inevitably follow.