Final EIS for ten salmon and steelhead hatchery programs in the Duwamish-Green River Basin


ID #


Document Type

Environmental Impact Statement

NOAA Office

National Marine Fisheries Service - West Coast Region

Document Status


Last Updated


Point of Contact


The action involves 10 hatchery and genetic management plans (HGMPs) for salmon and steelhead hatchery programs in the Duwamish-Green River watershed in Puget Sound. The HGMPs have been jointly submitted by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and Suquamish Tribe, to NMFS for review and approval under Limit 6 of the ESA 4(d) Rule. NMFS approval of the HGMPs is the Federal action requiring NEPA compliance. Potentially significant impacts may occur to Puget Sound Chinook salmon and Puget Sound steelhead that are listed as threatened under the ESA, and Southern Resident Killer Whales that are listed as endangered.


  • Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS (05/04/2016)
  • Draft EIS (11/03/2017)
  • Final EIS (06/28/2019)
  • Record of Decision (01/27/2020)