Approval of Ten Hatchery Facilities for Trout, Salmon, and Steelhead Along the Oregon Coast Pursuant to Section 4(d) of the Endangered Species Act


ID #


Document Type

Environmental Impact Statement

NOAA Office

National Marine Fisheries Service - West Coast Region

Document Status


Last Updated


Point of Contact


NMFS proposes to approve, under the ESA 4(d) rule for salmon and steelhead, multiple programs at 10 hatchery facilities along the Oregon Coast. The programs rear and release salmon, steelhead, and trout, and all the programs are currently operating.

This action was initially being evaluated in a draft EA. Due to increased scrutiny of hatchery actions on the West Coast, we are noticing our intent to instead prepare an EIS. To date, there has been little discussion from local entities about the proposed action.


  • Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS (01/15/2016)
  • Draft EIS (08/26/2016)
  • Final EIS (06/16/2017)
  • Record of Decision (11/01/2017)