4/27: NOAA declares deaths of humpback whales along East Coast an 'unusual mortality event'

UPDATED: April 27, 2017. Audio file from the April 27 press conference now posted to the "resources" section below.

NOAA Fisheries is declaring the recent deaths of 41 humpback whales from 2016 through present from Maine to North Carolina to be an unusual mortality event, triggering a focused, expert investigation into the cause.

A floating, deceased humpback whale carcass reported on July 5, 2016 at the mouth of the Delaware Bay.

A floating, deceased humpback whale carcass reported on July 5, 2016 at the mouth of the Delaware Bay. (Image credit: Courtesy of MERR Institute)

Members of the media are invited to join a teleconference on Thursday, April 27, to hear more details and ask questions of our whale experts. NOAA representatives will provide the latest information on the death of the whales and talk about next steps.

Media availability to discuss recent deaths of humpbacks on the East Coast

Thursday, April 27, 11:00 a.m. ET

Dial-In: 800-369-2061
Passcode: WHALES


  • Mendy Garron, stranding coordinator, NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Region
  • Greg Silber, large whale recovery coordinator, NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources
  • Deborah Fauquier, veterinary medical officer, NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources
  • Blair Mase-Guthrie, stranding coordinator, NOAA Fisheries Southeast Region