NAO 208-3: Major Systems Acquisitions

*Revocation Notice*


Revoked: 10/01/2019

PDF Version


Revocation Notice of NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 208-3, Major Systems Acquisitions, effective, September 21, 2004.


This notice revokes NAO 208-3, Major Systems Acquisitions. NAO 208-3 implemented the requirements of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-109 and the Department of Commerce (DOC) Department Administrative Order (DAO) 208-3, Major System Acquisitions of the DOC. The requirements are no longer in effect. DAO 208-3, Major System Acquisitions for DOC, was superseded by Acting Secretary of Commerce Memorandum, dated, November 6, 2012, Policy on Commerce Acquisition Project Management, and revoked, effective, October 29, 2013. OMB Circular A-109 no longer appears on the OMB website and is considered to be in an inactive status. NAO 208-3 is, therefore, no longer applicable.

The Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Environmental Observation and Prediction Performing the Duties of Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere signs because there is no delegation of authority for this NAO.


For further information, contact Paula Hance, NOAA, Policy and Oversight Division, Acquisition and Grants Office, at, (816) 823-3836.


The above referenced Order dated October 01, 2019, is hereby revoked.  An electronic copy of this Revocation Notice will be posted in place of NAO 208-3 on the NOAA Office of the CAO Website.

Assistant Secretary of Commerce for
Environmental Observation and Prediction 
Performing the Duties of 
Under Secretary of Commerce
for Oceans and Atmosphere