NAO 217-101: Space Management Policy for Systems Furniture Applications



Revoked: 10/10/2019


PDF Version


Revocation Notice of NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 217-101: Space Management Policy for Systems Furniture Applications, effective March 19, 1992.


This Revocation Notice revokes 217-101: Space Management Policy for Systems Furniture Applications.

This NAO is no longer applicable because NAO 217-101 does not capture nor reference recent Department of Commerce Administrative Orders (DAOs) 217-21: Space Allowance and Management Program, effective, September 14, 2016 and DAO 217-22: Workplace Space Design Standard, effective, April 16, 2016, that have precedence over this policy and procedure. In addition, NAO 217-101 does not apply to all of NOAA, only the Silver Spring Metro Center (SSMC) campus and should be replaced with a standard operating procedure for the Campus Management Board. The NAO also references organizations within the Office of the Chief Administrator (OCAO) that no longer exist. Current procedures and tools are not accurately captured with clear roles and responsibilities.

In the past two years, a new executive governance structure for facilities management was established within NOAA to provide strategic leadership, guidance, and decision-support for capital planning and major investments. A number of federal facilities initiatives and new DAOs also must be captured either in new policy or related procedures.

The Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Environmental Observation and Prediction Performing the Duties of Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere signs because there is no delegation of authority for this NAO.


For further information, contact Tajr Hull, NOAA, Director, Facilities Program Office (FPO). Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (OCAO), 301-628-0962.


The above referenced Order dated October 10, 2019, is hereby revoked. An electronic copy of this Revocation Notice will be posted in place of the current Order on the NOAA Office of the Chief Administrative Officer Website. 



Assistant Secretary of Commerce for
Environmental Observation and Prediction 
Performing the Duties of 
Under Secretary of Commerce

          for Oceans and Atmosphere