NAO 203-31 Exhibit 5



October 1, 20___  -  _________________


This Quarter Fiscal Yeart to Date
I. Invoices subject to the Prompt Payment Act and OMB Circular A-125:
A. Dollar value of invoices $______ $______
B. Number $______ $______
II. Invoices paid after due date:
A. Dollar value of invoices
(Sum of II.C.1. and II.F.1.a.)
$______ $______
B. Number
(Sum of II.C.3. and II.F.1.c.)
$______ $______
C. Interest penalties paid
(Must agree with FIMA):
1. Dollar value of invoices $______ $______
2. Dollar amount of interest paid $______ $______
3. Number
(Sum of II.E.1., II.E.2., and II.E.3.)
$______ $______
4. Relative frequency
(II.C.3. divided by I.B.)
______% ______%
5. Frequency distribution of late payment interest penalties
a. Number of payments:
Amount of Penalty
$ 1.00 - $ 25.00 ______ ______
$ 25.01 - $ 500.00 ______ ______
$ 500.01 - $1,000.00 ______ ______
$1,000.01 - $2,500.00 ______ ______
$2,500.01 - $5,000.00 ______ ______
$5,000.01 + ______ ______
b. Dollars paid:
Amount of Penalty
$ 1.00 - $ 25.00 ______ ______
$ 25.01 - $ 500.00 ______ ______
$ 500.01 - $1,000.00 ______ ______
$1,000.01 - $2,500.00 ______ ______
$2,500.01 - $5,000.00 ______ ______
$5,000.01 + ______ ______
D. Additional penalties paid:
1. Dollar amount $______ $______
2. Number ______ ______
3. Relative frequency
(II.D.2. divided by I.B.)
______ ______
E. Reasons why interest or other late payment penalties were incurred.
(Number must agree with FIMA):
1. Delay in paying office's receipt of:
a. Receiving report (          ) (          )
b. Proper invoice (          ) (          )
c. Purchase order or contract (          ) (          )
2. Delay or error by paying office in:
a. Taking discount (          ) (          )
b. Notifying contractor of defective invoice (          ) (          )
c. Computer or other system processing (          ) (          )
3. Other (          ) (          )
F. Interest and other late payment penalties which were due but not paid (Use interest rate in effect on the date obligation accrues):
l. Total:
a. Dollar value of invoices    
b. Interest dollars
(Sum of II.F.2.a. and II.F.3.a.)
c. Number
(Sum of II.F.2.b. and II.F.3.b.)
2. Because interest was less than $1.00:
a. Interest dollars $______ $______
b. Number ______ ______
3. For other reasons:
a. Interest dollars $______ $______
b. Number ______ ______
c. Specify reasons:
III. Invoices paid 1-15 days after due date, where appropriate:
A. Dollar amount $______ $______
B. Number ______ ______
C. Relative frequency
(III.B. divided by I.B.)
______% ______%
IV. Invoices paid 8 days or more before due date (except where cash discounts are taken):
A. Subject to a determination under Section 6.03 of NOAA Administrative Order, NAO 203-31:
1. Dollar amount: $______ $______
2. Number ______ ______
3. Relative frequency
(IV.A.2. divided by I.B.)
______% ______%
B. Not subject to a determination under Section 6.03 of NOAA Administrative Order, NAO 203-31:
1. Dollar amount: $______ $______
2. Number ______ ______
3. Relative frequency
(IV.B.2. divided by I.B.)
______% ______%
V. Discounts:
A. Number available ______ ______
B. Number taken ______ ______
C. Number not taken because not economically justified ______ ______
D. Reasons for failing to take discounts (in order of importance):
VI. Progress made: Attach a description of progress made, problems identified, and corrective actions taken during the fiscal year in implementing the provisions of the Act and OMB Circular A-125. Include a description of your experience in determining the most appropriate timing for release of payment authorization so invoices are paid as close as possible to the due date without exceeding it.
VII. Quality control system: Attach an updated description of your quality control system.
VIII.Designated contacts: Attach an updated list of designated contacts (including addresses and telephone numbers) within each ASC Finance Division who will provide assistance to the public in determining the status of invoices.
IX. Certification: I certify that the data reported on this form is as accurate as possible:
(Signature of ASC Director)
(Typed Name and Date)
NOTE: The report format in Exhibit 5 of this Order will be used for both the quarterly and annual reports. The only difference is that for the annual report the column entitled "This Quarter" will contain Fiscal Year-to-Date data and the column entitled "Fiscal Year-to-Date" will reflect data reported for the previous fiscal year. Column headings for the annual report should be changed to, respectively, "Current Year" and "Prior Year". Items VI. through VIII. are only required for the annual report.