**Revocation Notice**

Issued 06/13/91; Effective 05/30/91;


Revoked: 12/08/08



This Order supplements the policies and procedures prescribed in Section 11 of the Department of Commerce (DOC) Information Technology (IT) Management Handbook. It prescribes the responsibilities and procedures within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for obtaining approval for the acquisition of information technology resources.


Before a specific acquisition of IT resources (ADP equipment, software, telecommunications, or services) can take place in NOAA, there must be verification that the requirement being filled is described and justified in an approved Requirements Initiative. (See NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 212-7.) "Acquisition" includes the procurement of surplus or sharing equipment.


.01 The Information Systems and Finance Office, Office of Administration is responsible for:

  • coordinating IT acquisition actions with NOAA procurement offices as necessary to plan and effect timely and cost-effective acquisitions;
  • providing related advice and assistance to procurement offices; and
  • verifying in either written or verbal form that all proposed acquisitions have been described and justified in an approved Requirements Initiative. (Verbal verification will usually only be given for actions involving low dollar amounts.)

This responsibility for verification may be delegated to Line and Staff Office personnel. Special procedures apply to purchases using a government bankcard. See Sections 3.04 and 3.05 of this Order.

This responsibility for verification may be delegated to Line and Staff Office personnel. Special procedures apply to purchases using a government bankcard. See Sections 3.04 and 3.05 of this Order.

.02 The Information Resources Management Staff, Information Systems and Finance Office is responsible for the daily performance of the responsibilities specified in Section 3.01 above for acquisition actions related to any IT resources other than telecommunications.

.03 The Telecommunications and ADP Security Branch, Systems Division, Information Systems and Finance Office, is responsible for the daily performance of the responsibilities specified in Section 3.01 above for acquisition actions related to telecommunications resources.

.04 Line and Staff Office Information Technology (IT) Coordinators, as defined in NAO 212-1, who are delegated such authority are responsible for providing prior verification that an acquisition has been documented in an approved Requirements Initiative. Coordinators not delegated verification authority are responsible for informing requisitioners of the appropriate verification procedures.

.05 Requisitioners of Information Technology Resources are responsible for ensuring that their planned acquisitions are included in an approved Requirements Initiative; (See NAO 212-7) and for annotating the acquisition document with the Requirements Initiative number. The requisitioner must obtain verification of the validity of this number from the Line Office IT Coordinator if the acquisition documents will be processed by a procurement office. If the acquisition document does not go to a procurement office (because of the use of imprest funds, blanket purchase orders, etc.), this verification authority is delegated to the requisitioner. (See Section 3.06 of this Order for special procedures for bankcard holders.)

.06 Government Bankcard Holders are responsible for:

  • ensuring that before any bankcard purchase of IT resources takes place, the resources required have been described in an approved Requirements Initiative; (This requirement applies to any IT procurement, including bankcard purchases. Pre-purchase verification authority is delegated to the bankcard holder. No additional IRM approval is needed prior to the purchase unless Line or Staff Office policy requires internal clearances. If an approved Requirements Initiative does not exist, no purchase may take place until one is written and approved in accordance with NAO 212-7.) and
  • annotating their locally retained Monthly Statements of Account by placing the Requirements Initiative numbers next to the entries for purchases of IT resources.

.07 Procurement Offices are responsible for ensuring that Form CD-435 or equivalent documents to acquire IT resources display a Requirements Initiative number and an approved signature of a person delegated IT verification authority. (Procurement Offices will be provided a list of authorized names by the Information Resources Management Staff.)




Director, Office of Administration

Office of Primary Interest:
Office of Administration
Information Systems and Finance Office
Information Resources Management Staff (OA1x1)