II. Award Information - Project/Award Period

Grants Online Notice of Funding Opportunity Document Creation Assistance

NOFO Field: Project/Award Period

NOFO Location: Award Information - second field
- Preceding Field: Funding Availability
- Subsequent Field: Type of Funding Instrument

OMB Guidance:
II. Award Information -- Required
Provide sufficient information to help an applicant make an informed decision about whether to submit a proposal. Relevant information could include the total amount of funding that your agency expects to award through the announcement; the anticipated number of awards; the expected amounts of individual awards (which may be a range); the amount of funding per award, on average, experienced in previous years; and the anticipated start dates and periods of performance for new awards. This section also should address whether applications for renewal or supplementation of existing projects are eligible to compete with applications for new awards.

This section also must indicate the type(s) of assistance instrument (i.e., grant, cooperative agreement, and/or other instrument) that may be awarded if applications are successful. If cooperative agreements may be awarded, this section either should describe the ССsubstantial involvementТТ that the agency expects to have or should reference where the potential applicant can find that information (e.g., in the funding opportunity description in Section I or award administration information in Section VI). Procurement contracts will not be awarded under this competition.

Additional Guidance:

  • Do not enter the field name (shown in bold in the examples). The NOFO generator will enter the field name.
  • The Department has broken this required section into 3 required subsections. Project/Award Period is the second of these.
  • Project start date should be first of the month, and the project end date should be the last day of the month.

Published Examples:

        B. Project/Award Period:

        Applicants may submit multi-year applications covering a 12 to 36- month period with an anticipated start date(s) of either July 1, 2007 or October 1, 2007. FY 2007 funding is expected to cover 12-18 months of any multi-year grant. Subsequent funding is contingent on the availability of out year funding performance under the current award.

        B. Project/Award Period:

        The award period shall not exceed 24 months, with an anticipated start date of May 1, 2007. Applications to renovate or enhance existing AFWS are eligible to compete with applications for new AFWS. If an application is awarded, NOAA has no obligation to provide additional funding in connection with that award in subsequent years. Funds shall be spent during the award's budget period unless the applicant requests and justifies an extension prior to the closing date of the award, and the request is approved by NOAA Grants Office. Funds shall be disbursed through the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) System.

        B. Project/Award Period:

        Start date for the RDTE facility cooperative agreements should be no earlier than June 1, 2007. It is anticipated that funding for the cooperative agreement may be available for up to four years, but the cooperative agreement may outline planned work for up to five years. All funds received from NOAA are to be spent within two years of the date they are awarded.

        B. Project/Award Period:

        The period of awards is from one to two years. All funded PIs are required to submit written semiannual reports during the project to describe the progress made toward the goals and deliverables established in the original proposal and agreed-upon time line. A final report must also be submitted at the conclusion of the project. The due dates for these reports will be coordinated with the JHT Director upon project initiation. Two-year projects will be reviewed by the JHT Steering Committee, and/or other designated reviewers, and the JHT and TPC/NHC Directors near the end of the first year for suitability for continuation into the second year. PIs are required to submit a renewal proposal along with the second semiannual report for this review. The renewal proposal must provide updates to the project work plan, deliverables, time line, IT requirements, budget, documentation and training plans, etc. This review is also based upon the semiannual reports and upon feedback received from the TPC/NHC point(s) of contact. The criteria upon which the renewal review are based are the following: (1) The progress toward milestones in the original time line, (2) the potential for completing the testing and evaluation process and providing the stated deliverables by the end of the second year, and (3) appropriateness and reasonableness of the budget with respect to available JHT funds. Given a favorable review, each project may be funded for a second year.

        A JHT project reaches its completion in one of two ways. A two-year project may end after approximately one year, if the TPC/NHC and JHT Directors and the JHT Steering Committee (and/or other designated reviewers) decide, as described above, that insufficient progress has been made to justify continuation of the project into year two. A JHT project ends more conventionally with the submission by the principal investigator(s) of a final report at the conclusion of the original agreed-upon project duration. Based upon this report, and reports from the JHT staff and from project points of contact at the operational center, the TPC/NHC Director will subsequently make a decision on whether or not operational implementation of the project deliverables will occur. Decisions on operational implementation are at the sole discretion of the operational center Director. Operational implementation may or may not occur, irrespective of whether metrics for success defined during the JHT-funded project period have been met. The TPC/NHC Director's decision to implement the new science or technology at the end of the operational demonstration period is based on a cost-benefit analysis that includes consideration of the following four criteria:
        1. Forecast or analysis benefit: expected improvement in operational forecast and/or analysis accuracy
        2. Efficiency: adherence to forecaster time constraints and ease of use needs
        3. Compatibility: IT compatibility with operational hardware, software, data, communications, etc.
        4. Sustainability: availability of resources to operate, upgrade, and/or provide support These criteria are not used in the evaluation of the proposals.