NAO 212-12A Attachment: Network Advisory Review Board Charter

**NAO 212-12A has been Revoked**


This Charter defines the basic authority, rules of operations, and scope of the Network Advisory and Review Board (NARB) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The Network Advisory Review Board has been constituted under the authority of the Deputy Under Secretary of NOAA per memorandum issued August 14, 1991. The Board shall advise on and review matters of NOAA-wide concern regarding the strategic planning and commitment of resources for telecommunications. The Board will, in addition, coordinate these matters with other NOAA entities responsible for related areas such as data management and the development of hardware and software standards.

Responsibilities and Authority

The Network Advisory Review Board will advise the Deputy Under Secretary and other agency officials on matters of policy and practice relating to the planning, implementation, operation, and management of telecommunications systems within NOAA. Subject matter will include, but is not limited to, issues that affect interconnection and management of NOAA networks, development of shared communications facilities, and uniform access to NOAA systems by extramural entities. These responsibilities are to be met by reports, as needed, to the Deputy Under Secretary. The reports will normally be the result of deliberative efforts by the Board and endorsed by the membership.

In addition, the NARB has direct responsibility for the following:

Certification of NOAA telecommunications standards as part of NOAA's implementation of the Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile (GOSIP);

Development of NOAA's overall Network Integration Strategy and the various components of that strategy;

Review of major Network initiatives for consistency with the above.


The NARB shall comprise both officers and representatives from NOAA Line Offices, the Office of Administration, the Office of the Comptroller, the Office of the Chief Scientist, the Office of NOAA Corps Operations, and Program Offices (including the Earth System Data and Information Management Program, the Coastal Ocean Program, the Global Change Program). Decisions and recommendations of the Board shall be based upon a consensus of the membership.



The Chair of the Network Advisory and Review Board is appointed by the Deputy Under Secretary. The Chair will establish and conduct meetings, direct the preparation of reports, and with Board concurrence, appoint working groups or task teams. When necessary, the Chair will represent the Board at non-Board meetings.

Executive Director

The Executive Director of the Network Advisory and Review Board is the Senior Information Resources Management (IRM) Official for NOAA. The Executive Director assures that the activities of the Network Advisory and Review Board are integrated with the NOAA IRM Program, assists the Chair in its duties, establishes the formal agenda, records and publishes minutes of Board meetings, prepares and distributes materials, and maintains the official files of the Board.


Meetings are scheduled by the Board Chair. Meetings must be held at least quarterly but may be held more frequently. Members shall receive at least two weeks prior notice for meetings.

Resources Available

Assistant Administrators, Staff Office Directors, Program Officer Directors, and the Chief Scientist are expected to make nominal resources such as staff time or local travel available to enable the Board to conduct business.