NAO 201-2: Committee Management


Issued 09/14/90; Effective 08/30/90;


Revoked 12/03/08

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Revocation Notice for NOAA Administrative Order 201-2, Committee Management.

.02 This is a complete revision and update to the Order. The significant changes in this Order: discontinues hard-copy reproduction and distribution of NOAA Administrative Orders; changes purpose of the NAO series to focus primarily on policies and responsibilities (inclusion of procedures and guidance is discouraged).


This Revocation Notice revokes NOAA Administrative Order 201-2, Committee Management, dated August 30, 1990. The Department of Commerce (DOC) Committee Management Handbook establishes policy and procedures for all DOC committee-related activities, including those in Part Two of the Handbook covering Federal Advisory Committees. In addition, the General Services Administration’s Committee Management Secretariat maintains a website with extensive coverage of Federal Advisory Committee law, regulations, policy, and guidance. Therefore, a NOAA Administrative Order on the subject is not needed.

The DOC Committee Management Handbook is developed and maintained by the Department’s Office of Management and Organization, which provides limited numbers of copies of the Handbook to DOC Operating Units sponsoring Federal Advisory Committees.


The above referenced Order dated August 30, 1990, is hereby revoked. An electronic copy of this Revocation Notice will be posted for a period of two months in place of the revoked Order on the NOAA Administrative Order website.


William Broglie
Chief Administrative Officer

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer

Office of Primary Interest:
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer