NAO 206-7: Guidelines for the Use of Electric Scooters in the Silver Spring Metro Complex

**Revocation Notice**

NOAA Circular 00-01; Effective 02/28/00;


Revoked: 04/10/2015

Filed as: NAO 206-7

Revocation Notice PDF

SUBJECT: Guidelines for the Use of Electric Scooters in the Silver Spring Metro Complex
TO: All NOAA Offices in the Silver Spring Metro Center Complex (SSMC OFFICES)


To assist physically challenged NOAA employees in the Silver Spring Metro Center (SSMC) complex, electric scooters are available in SSMC-2, SSMC-3, and SSMC-4 and are located in the vicinity of the security guards' stations at each location. There are two scooters in SSMC-2, one in SSMC-3, and one in SSMC-4. NOAA employees in SSMC-1 may use one of the two scooters in SSMC-2. The overall management and maintenance of the scooters is the responsibility of the Facilities Services Division, Personal Property and Transportation Branch, phone: 301-713-3530.


The following guidelines are provided regarding the use of electronic scooters.

.01 The electric scooters are provided for occasional, temporary use by physically challenged NOAA employees while on the SSMC complex.

.02 The scooters are not intended to be used by individuals all day, every day. If an individual requires the use of a scooter on an all-day, everyday basis, that individual's Line/Staff Office may consider purchasing one for his/her use. The Line/Staff Office would be responsible for the scooter's maintenance. Information on the scooters, including purchase and maintenance costs, can be obtained by contacting the Personal Property and Transportation Branch.

.03 The scooters are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, and the security guards will control the scooter keys. When a scooter is required, the security guard should be contacted first to determine if one is available. The followingtelephone numbers for security guards' stations are provided for your information:

SSMC-2 - 301-713-2065

SSMC-3 - 301-713-2660

SSMC-4 - 301-713-0268

The scooters will be checked daily to ensure that they are in working condition.

.04 When a request is received, the guard shall record the caller's name, organization, telephone number, and destination on a register for the scooter(s) assigned to that building.

.05 The guard will advise the user on how to operate the scooter. A set of operating instructions, safety precautions, and helpful driving hints for the scooters is attached.

.06 Upon receipt of the scooter, each user will be required to sign a log which will include the date, time, and building destination. The guard will indicate the date and time when the scooter is issued to the user and will initial the registering form.

.07 The scooters are to be used only for transportation on the SSMC complex. Scooters are not to be taken off the complex as such use creates liability issues.

.08 The scooter and its keys must be returned to the building from which taken the same day. The guard will note the time of return in the log book and will then store and secure the scooter in its proper location.

.09 When a user reports maintenance or safety problems, the guard will provide the information to the Dispatch Pool Manager, Personal Property and Transportation Branch.



Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer

Office of Primary Interest:
Office of Finance and Administration
Facilities Office
Facilities Services Division
Office of Civil Rights

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Filed as NAO 206-7 (Effective: 02/28/00)


Before operating your scooter, please check the following:

  1. The control console battery gauge should read full prior to operation. This gauge may dip slightly when the throttle control lever is depressed, so it is always best to read this gauge while in motion.
  2. The batteries must be sitting flat within the battery well area.
  3. Make sure the manual freewheeling knob (located inside the utility trunk) is depressed into the "run" position and not lifted up into the "freewheeling" position.
  4. Position yourself comfortably in the seat, push the seat lock lever down to unlock the seat lock, and rotate until facing forward. Once the seat lock lever is released, it will lock securely in place.
  5. Adjust the steering column to a comfortable position.
  6. Insert the key all the way into the switch located on the control console.
  7. Start with the speed control on a lower setting.
  8. Grasp each of the handle bar grips and gently rest your thumb against the throttle control lever.
  9. After planning your direction, forward or reverse, slowly press your thumb against the throttle lever for the direction selected. The electric brake will automatically release, and the scooter will smoothly accelerate to the preselected speed. Releasing the throttle lever will cause the scooter to decelerate and come to a complete stop. The electric brake is automatically engaged when the scooter comes to a stop.
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Filed as NAO 206-7 (Effective: 02/28/00)


  1. Do not carry passengers.
  2. Do not mount and dismount unless the key is removed and the seat is locked in place.
  3. Reduce speed when turning the scooter in any situation.
  4. Reduce speed on uneven terrain and soft surfaces.
  5. Always stop fully when changing direction.
  6. Avoid traveling across the side of a hill or turning sideways on an incline.
  7. Proceed carefully as you approach the down grade of a ramp or hill.
  8. Always avoid operating the scooter near unprotected ledges and drop offs.
  9. Always keep your feet on the floorboard when you ride.
  10. Do not operate on icy or slippery surfaces.
  11. Do not operate on snow.
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1. As you begin to use your scooter, you will no doubt encounter situations that at first may require some practice. Simply take your time, and you will soon be in control through doorways, elevators, up and down ramps, and across grass and gravel.

2. As you approach a closed door, determine if it opens in toward you or opens out away from you. Unlatch the knob or pushbar and allow the power of the scooter to pull or push open the door. If the door is self closing, you may quickly pass, allowing the door to close behind you. If not, just stop when you are clear of the door and push it closed.

3. Modern elevators have a rubber door edge safety mechanism that when pushed will reopen the door. If you are in the doorway when it closes, either push on the rubber door edge or allow it to contact the scooter, and it will reopen. Use care that pocketbooks, packages, or cane/crutch holders do not become caught in the door.

4. The scooter will enable you to climb steep hills, but to ensure proper stability, do not exceed a maximum grade of 15 degrees.