NAO 212-7: Information Technology Requirements Initiatives

**Revocation Notice**

Issued 06/12/91; Effective 05/30/91;


Revoked: 12/08/08

NAO 212-7: Information Technology Requirements Initiatives PDF


This Order supplements the policies and procedures prescribed in Section 7 of the Department of Commerce (DOC) Information Technology (IT) Management Handbook. It prescribes the responsibilities and procedures within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for the preparation of Requirements Initiatives as the supporting documentation for the expenditure of funds for IT.


.01 The Information Resources Management Staff, Information Systems and Finance Office, Office of Administration has the following responsibilities for Requirements Initiatives, or the portions of Requirements Initiatives, which do not deal with telecommunications resources:

  • reviewing, approving, or disapproving Requirements Initiatives submitted by the Line and Staff Offices;
  • submitting NOAA-approved Requirements Initiatives to the DOC Office of Information Resources Management (OIRM) when OIRM approval is required by the DOC IT Management Handbook;
  • establishing and maintaining a system to track the status of Requirements Initiatives;
  • informing Line and Staff Offices of the approval or disapproval of their submissions; and
  • retaining copies of all Requirements Initiatives and any related approval or disapproval memoranda.

.02 The Telecommunications and ADP Security Branch, Systems Division, Information Systems and Finance Office, Office of Administrationhas the following responsibilities for Requirements Initiatives, or the portions of Requirements Initiatives, which deal with telecommunications resources:

  • reviewing, approving, or disapproving Requirements Initiatives submitted by the Line and Staff Offices;
  • submitting NOAA-approved Requirements Initiatives to the DOC Office of Information Resources Management (OIRM) when OIRM approval is required by the DOC IT Management Handbook; and
  • informing Line and Staff Offices of the approval or disapproval of their submissions.

.03 Line and Staff Office IT Coordinators, as defined in NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 212-1, are responsible for performing the following duties:

a. Coordinators shall review Requirements Initiatives to ensure:

  1. that the Requirements Initiative's proposed actions are part of a Concept Study that was endorsed by the DOC;
  2. that the proposed funding levels are consistent;
  3. that the Requirements Initiative's proposed actions are part of a comprehensive solution to the organization's IT needs; and
  4. that the actions prop>osed are efficient and effective solutions to the needs.

b. Coordinators shall review, approve, or disapprove Requirements Initiatives that are within the dollar thresholds given for organizational unit approval in the DOC IT Management Handbook if such approval authority has been redelegated from the Information Systems and Finance Office.

c. Coordinators shall submit to the Information Resources Management Staff:

  1. Requirements Initiatives that equal or exceed the dollar thresholds set by the DOC IT Management Handbook for DOC approval; (They must have NOAA-level review and approval before submission to the DOC.)
  2. Copies of the Requirements Initiatives and approval memorandum that fall under the thresholds set by the DOC IT Management Handbook if approval authority has been redelegated to the Line or Staff Office; and
  3. Requirements Initiatives that fall under the thresholds set by the DOC IT Management Handbook if approval authority has not been redelegated to the Line or Staff Office.

.04 Requisitioners of IT Resources are responsible for:

  • preparing a Requirements Initiative in the format provided by the Information Resources Management Staff to document the need for information technology resources to support mission-related requirements; and
  • submitting the Requirements Initiative to the Line/Staff Office IT Coordinator for appropriate action.




Director, Office of Administration
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer

Office of Primary Interest:
Office of Administration
Information Systems and Finance Office
Information Resources Management Staff (OA1x1)