NAO 217-41: NOAA GSA Rent Budget

**Revocation Notice**

Issued 02/13/91; Effective 02/04/91;


Revoked: 03/15/2019

PDF Version


Revocation Notice of NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 217-41 “NOAA GSA Rent Budget” effective, February 04, 1991.


This notice revokes procedures established by NAO 217-41, NOAA GSA Rent Budget.

This Revocation Notice revokes NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 217-41 NOAA GSA Rent Budget. The NAO references Department of Commerce Administrative Order (DAO) 217-1, which is no longer in effect. The NAO also identifies tools and organizations no longer in existence, and describes an outdated financial procedure that has been superseded. OCAO currently collects NOAA Line and Staff Office GSA Rent payments through a financial transaction process using a Commerce Business System Summary Level Transfer and certification of Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection invoices. This financial process incorporates internal controls to ensure accurate square footage assignments and appropriate charges are reflected in the GSA billing, and those billings are accurately charged to internal components of NOAA.

There is no known NOAA Delegation of Authority applicable to NAO 217-41.


For further information, contact Francesca Ryan, Director, NOAA, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (OCAO), Real Property Management Division (RPMD), 301-628-0931.


The above referenced Order dated March 15, 2019, is hereby revoked. An electronic copy of this Revocation Notice will be posted in place of the current Order on the NOAA Office of the Chief Administrative Officer Website. 


Neil A. Jacobs, Ph.D.
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for
Environmental Observation and Prediction
Performing the Duties of
Under Secretary of Commerce
for Oceans and Atmosphere