“Coastal Chaos” exercises communication across NOAA offices

The Gulf of Mexico Regional Collaboration Team and the NOAA Disaster Preparedness Program held the “Coastal Chaos” virtual tabletop exercise to improve coordination and communication within NOAA in the region in case of hazardous events.

All NOAA Offices play a role in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from a variety of hazardous events in the Gulf of Mexico region. To improve coordination and communication, the Gulf of Mexico Regional Collaboration Team and the NOAA Disaster Preparedness Program held the “Coastal Chaos” virtual tabletop exercise. This multi-hazard scenario (a chemical spill followed by two tropical cyclones) allowed participants to learn about capabilities and resources throughout NOAA. This fosters connections useful in future, real events. The exercise also highlighted challenges including a distributed and virtual workforce, and the need to share disaster-related information across regional offices.

Tropical Storm Whatasoaker - Overview