Three Minute Thesis Webinar: NOAA's Role in Wildfire Events

On Friday, July 30, 2021, the NOAA West and the NOAA Central Region Collaboration Teams hosted a special webinar designed to share information on NOAA's role in wildfire events. Colleagues from across NOAA each had one slide and three minutes to present on a specific topic, as well as time for questions from the audience. The webinar and slides are available for review.

Webinar Resources


Presentation Slides

Featured Speakers

NOAA’s Role in Wildland Fires
Robyn Heffernan, National Fire Weather Science and Dissemination Meteorologist
National Interagency Fire Center / National Weather Service Representative

Fire Weather Outlooks: The Role of the NOAA Storm Prediction Center
Matt Elliott, Warning Coordination Meteorologist
National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center

The Role of a NWS Incident Meteorologist  
Dan Borsum, Incident Meteorologist
National Weather Service Forecast Office, Billings, MT

HRRR-Smoke: Predicting the Evolution of Wildfire Smoke Plumes
Eric James, Research Associate
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
NOAA Research, Global Systems Laboratory

Hazard Mapping System Fire and Smoke Product
Wilfrid Schroeder, Physical Scientist
NOAA National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service

How Fire X-AQ Science Strengthens the Foundation for NOAA Operations
Joshua (Shuka) Schwarz, Research Physicist 
NOAA Research, Chemical Sciences Laboratory

How Wildfires Impact Communities
Brett Lutz, Fire Program Lead
National Weather Service Forecast Office, Medford, OR

Drought and Wildfire Interaction
Britt Parker, Drought Early Warning System Coordinator
National Integrated Drought Information System

The Incident Isn’t Over When the Fire Is Out
Tony Anderson, Service Hydrologist
National Weather Service Forecast Office, Pueblo, CO


Visit the Three Minute Thesis Webinar archive to view past events on a wide range of topics.