Honor those helping make America’s natural resources resilient to climate change

UPDATED: November 11, 2016. Story updated to reflect an extended nomination date to December 9, 2016
Volunteers help restore the Duwamish River by planting native vegetation at an Earth Day event at Codiga Park, Washington. April 2008.

Volunteers help restore the Duwamish River by planting native vegetation at an Earth Day event at Codiga Park, Washington. April 2008. (Image credit: NOAA NOS)

Do you know people or organizations that have made important gains in safeguarding the nation’s natural resources from a changing climate?  

Recognize their achievements by nominating them for a 2017 Climate Adaptation Leadership Award for Natural Resources.   

This award recognizes outstanding leadership by individuals and organizations that is critical to helping nature, people, communities and economies remain resilient in the face of a warming world. This prestigious award shines a spotlight on innovative tools and actions that are making a difference now and that serve as a source of inspiration for future projects that advance climate-smart resource conservation and management.

Be sure to submit your nomination offsite link no later than December 9, 2016