Topic: Citizen science

LiMPETS is an environmental monitoring and education program for students, educators, and volunteer groups throughout California. Approximately 6,000 teachers and students per year along the coast of California are involved with the collection of rocky intertidal and sandy beach data as part of the LiMPETS network. Join us — learn the process of science and help to protect our local marine ecosystems.

College & university
K-12 educators
Opportunity Type:
Field Experience

Citizen science is a term that describes projects in which volunteers partner with scientists to answer real-world questions. These volunteers can work with scientists to identify research questions, collect and analyze data, interpret results, make new discoveries, develop technologies and applications, as well as solve complex problems. See a listing of opportunities within the National Marine Sanctuary System.

College & university
Informal educators
K-12 educators
Opportunity Type:
Field Experience

The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program is a worldwide hands-on, primary and secondary school-based science and education program. To receive training on implementing GLOBE protocols in your classroom, GLOBE offers in-person workshops or online E-Teacher certification.

Informal educators
K-12 educators
Opportunity Type:
In person
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