V. Application Review Information - Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates

Grants Online Notice of Funding Opportunity Document Creation Assistance

NOFO Field: Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates

NOFO Location: Application Review Information - fourth (and final) field
- Preceding Field: Selection Factors
- Subsequent Field: Award Notices

OMB Guidance:
V. Application Review Information
        3. Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates -- Optional.
        This section is intended to provide applicants with information they can use for planning purposes. If there is a single application deadline followed by the simultaneous review of all applications, the agency can include in this section information about the anticipated dates for announcing or notifying successful and unsuccessful applicants and for having awards in place. If applications are received and evaluated on a 荘rolling鋳 basis at different times during an extended period, it may be appropriate to give applicants an estimate of the time needed to process an application and notify the applicant of the agency痴 decision.

Additional Guidance:

  • Do not enter the field name (shown in bold in the examples). The NOFO generator will enter the field name.
  • Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates is the fourth of 4 subsections under Application Review Information. It is the third in OMB Guidance. The difference is due to the previous Department-specific field of Selection Factors, which is not in the OMB Guidance.

Published Examples:

        D. Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates:

        The competitive selection process and subsequent notification to the Sea Grant programs will be completed by May 18, 2007. Funds are expected to be awarded by approximately February 1, 2008, the start date that should be used on the Application for Federal Assistance (Form 424) for successful applications.

        D. Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates:

        Subject to the availability of funds, review of proposals will occur during the fall and early winter of 2006, and funding is expected to begin during June of 2007 for most approved projects. June 1, 2007, is to be used as the proposed start date on proposals, unless otherwise directed by the NOAA Program Officer.

        D. Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates:

        Funding is anticipated to begin during winter or early spring 2007 for most approved projects. Projects should not be expected to begin prior to February 1, 2007, unless otherwise directed by the JHT Director.