ProTech Satellite 2.0 Domain ID/IQ Contract Awards Announced

ProTech Satellite 2.0 Domain ID/IQ Contract Awards Announced

Congratulations to the following 15 companies that were awarded ProTech Satellite 2.0 Domain ID/IQ contracts

Centuria Corporation 
Columbus Technologies and Services, Inc 
Data Networks Inc. 
Earth Resources Technology, Inc.
Global Science & Technology, Inc.  
I.M. Systems Group, Inc.
IBSS Corporation 
Integrated Systems Solutions, Inc. 
Relative Dynamics Inc.  
RIVA Solutions, Inc. 
Riverside Technology, Inc.  
Science and Technology Corporation 
Spatial Front, Inc.

Please see the Satellite Domain homepage on the ProTech public website for individual company information.

The Satellite 2.0 Domain contracts have a period of performance that includes a single five-year ordering period, and a single five-year optional ordering period.