III. Eligibility Information - Cost Share or Matching Requirement

Grants Online Notice of Funding Opportunity Document Creation Assistance

NOFO Field: Cost Share or Matching Requirement

NOFO Location: Eligibility Information - second field
- Preceding Field: Eligible Applicants
- Subsequent Field: Other Criteria that Affect Eligibility

OMB Guidance:
III. Eligibility Information
        This section addresses considerations or factors that make an applicant or application eligible or ineligible for consideration. This includes the eligibility of particular types of applicant organizations, any factors affecting the eligibility of the principal investigator or project director, and any criteria that make particular projects ineligible. You should make clear whether an applicant’s failure to meet an eligibility criterion by the time of an application deadline will result in your agency’s returning the application without review or, even though an application may be reviewed, will preclude the agency from making an award. Key elements to be addressed are:
        2. Cost Sharing or Matching -- Required.
You must state whether there is required cost sharing, matching, or cost participation without which an application would be ineligible (if cost sharing is not required, you must explicitly say so). Required cost sharing may be a certain percentage or amount, or may be in the form of contributions of specified items or activities (e.g., provision of equipment). It is important that the announcement be clear about any restrictions on the types of cost (e.g., in-kind contributions) that are acceptable as cost sharing. Cost sharing as an eligibility criterion includes requirements based in statute or regulation, as well as those imposed by administrative decision of the agency. This section should refer to the appropriate portion(s) of Section IV stating any pre-award requirements for submission of letters or other documentation to verify commitments to meet cost-sharing requirements if an award is made.

Additional Guidance:

  • Do not enter the field name (shown in bold in the examples). The NOFO generator will enter the field name.
  • The Department has broken this required section into 3 required subsections. Cost Share or Matching Requirement is the second of these.
  • Voluntary committed cost sharing for research awards is not expected and cannot be use as a factor during the merit review of applications. Refer to 200.306 for more information.

Published Examples:

        B. Cost Share or Matching Requirement:

        No cost sharing is required under this program. Applicant resource commitment will, however, be considered in the competitive selection process. Refer to Part V, Section A, Paragraph 3 for further information.
View Corresponding Omnibus Synopsis COST SHARING REQUIREMENTS (First Example)

        B. Cost Share or Matching Requirement:

        Applications for RDTE facility cooperative agreements must include additional non-federal matching funds equal to at least 20% of the total NOAA funds requested over the duration of the cooperative agreement. In-kind contributions are eligible to satisfy the match requirement. Matching funds for each individual year need not equal a 20% match of that year’s request, as long as the total matching funds for the duration of the cooperative agreement meet the 20% match requirements for the total request amount.
View Corresponding Omnibus Synopsis COST SHARING REQUIREMENTS (Second Example)

        B. Cost Share or Matching Requirement:

        There will be the one-third required cost share of the total cost of the award for those applicants selected as legislative fellows.
View Corresponding Omnibus Synopsis COST SHARING REQUIREMENTS (Third Example)

        B. Cost Share or Matching Requirement:

        A major goal of the MDP is to provide seed money to projects that leverage funds and other contributions from a broad public and private sector to implement locally important marine debris prevention and removal activities to benefit living marine resources. To this end, applicants are encouraged to demonstrate a minimum 1:1 non- Federal match for MDP funds requested to conduct the proposed project. NOAA strongly encourages applicants to leverage as much investment as possible. Applicants with less than 1:1 match will not be disqualified, however, applicants should note that cost sharing is an element considered in Evaluation Criterion #4. “Project Costs”.

        Match can come from a variety of public and private sources and can include inkind goods and services such as private boat use and volunteer labor. Federal sources cannot be considered for matching funds, but can be described in the budget narrative to demonstrate additional leverage. Applicants are permitted to combine contributions from multiple non-federal partners in order to meet the 1:1 match recommendation, as long as such contributions are not being used to match any other funds. Applicants are also permitted to apply federally negotiated indirect costs in excess of federal share limits as described in Section IV. E. 2. “Indirect Costs”.

        Applicants whose proposals are selected for funding will be bound by the percentage of cost sharing reflected in the award document signed by the NOAA Grants Officer. Successful applicants should be prepared to carefully document matching contributions, including the names of participating volunteers and the overall number of volunteer or community participation hours devoted to individual marine debris prevention or removal projects. Letters of commitment for any secured resources expected to be used as match for an award should be submitted as an attachment to the application
View Corresponding Omnibus Synopsis COST SHARING REQUIREMENTS (Fourth Example)