VI. Award Administration Information - Award Notices

Grants Online Notice of Funding Opportunity Document Creation Assistance

NOFO Field: Award Notices

NOFO Location: Award Administration Information - first field
- Preceding Field: Anticipated Announcement and Award Dates
- Subsequent Field: Administrative and National Policy Requirements

OMB Guidance:
VI. Award Administration Information
        1. Award Notices -- Required.

PRE-AWARD COSTS. [Only add for NOAA NOFOs] Per 2 CFR 200.458, NOAA authorizes award recipients to expend pre-award costs up to 90 days before the period of performance start date at the applicant’s own risk without approval from NOAA and in accordance with the applicant’s internal policies and procedures. Such costs are allowable only to the extent that they would have been allowable if incurred after the date of the Federal award. This does not include direct proposal costs (as defined at 2 CFR 200.460). In no event will NOAA or the Department of Commerce be responsible for direct proposal preparation costs. Pre-award costs will be a portion of, not in addition to, the approved total budget of the award. Pre-award costs expended more than 90 days prior to the period of performance start date require approval from the Grants Officer. This does not change the period of performance start date.

GRANTS OFFICER SIGNATURE. Proposals submitted in response to this solicitation are not considered awards until the Grants Officer has signed the grant agreement. Only Grants Officers can bind the Government to the expenditure of funds. The Grants Officer’s digital signature constitutes an obligation of funds by the federal government and formal approval of the award.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Funding for programs listed in this notice is contingent upon the availability of funds. Applicants are hereby given notice that funds may not have been appropriated yet for the programs listed in this notice. Publication of this announcement does not oblige NOAA to award any specific project or to obligate any available funds. 

Additional Guidance:

  • Do not enter the field name (shown in bold in the examples). The NOFO generator will enter the field name.
  • Award Notices is the first of 3 subsections under Award Administration Information.

Published Examples:

        A. Award Notices:

        To enable the use of a universal identifier and to enhance the quality of information available to the public as required by the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, to the extent applicable, any proposal awarded in response to this announcement will be required to use the Central Contractor Registration and Dun and Bradstreet Universal Numbering System and be subject to reporting requirements, as identified in OMB guidance published at 2 CFR Parts 25, 170 (2010), .

        A. Award Notices:

        The notice of award made by NOAA is signed by the NOAA Grants Officer and is the authorizing document. It is provided electronically or by postal mail to the appropriate business office of the recipient organization.

        A. Award Notices:

        Successful applicants may be asked to modify objectives, work plans, or budgets prior to final approval of an award. The exact amount of funds to be awarded, the final scope of activities, the project duration, and specific NOAA cooperative involvement with the activities of each project will be determined in pre-award negotiations among the applicant, the NOAA Grants Office, and NOAA program staff. Projects should not be initiated in expectation of federal funding until a notice of award document is received from the NOAA Grants Office.

        A. Award Notices:

        Successful applicants will receive notification that the application has been recommended for funding to the NOAA Grants Management Division. This notification is not an authorization to begin performance of the project. Official notification of funding, signed by the NOAA grants Officer, is the authorizing document that allows the project to begin. Notification will be issued to the Authorizing Official and the PI of the project either electronically or in hard copy. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified that their proposals were not selected for recommendation. Unsuccessful applications will be kept on file in the program Office for a period of 12 months, then destroyed.

        A. Award Notices:

        The NSGO will notify each unsuccessful applicant by informing the state Sea Grant Program through which the application was submitted via e-mail. This email will contain a written summary of the review panel comments. The state Sea Grant Programs will, in turn, formally notify each unsuccessful applicant and forward the summary comments provided by the NSGO. The applications that are not ultimately selected for funding will be destroyed one year after submission date.