Located at the David Skaggs Research Center (DSRC) in Boulder, Colorado. The Jet system totals 55,984 cores of 64-bit Intel CPU’s, with a total capability of 1,795 trillion floating point operations per second – or 1.79 petaflops with a total scratch disk capacity of 6.6 Petabytes. 

Jet primarily supports the High Performance Computing (HPC) needs of the Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program (HFIP), NOAA Global Systems Laboratory (GSL) numerical weather prediction, and other weather research. Since 2009, Jet has been used to run real-time jobs, via reservation schemes in the batch scheduler, in support of HFIP during hurricane season and various other high-priority GSL Research to Operations (R2O) projects including the extensive testing that was necessary to ready the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) weather model for NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) operations.

NOAA Jet supercomputer located in Boulder, CO. Jet has 55,984 Intel processors with multiple black cabinets. The racks of hardware components are stacked vertically to save space, allow for ease of connecting the many nodes and cores of the supercomputer, and improve efficiency in cooling with additional floor vents installed to allow the maximum airflow in the room possible.
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