Grants Online Training Classes and Webinars

Picture of Lillian Barnes at the Tech Day Conference - Dec 2019
Grants Online Training - Meet your instructor Lillian Barnes 

Federal Program Office Training

Training Schedule

Schedule for FY 2023:

  • Q1 - November 7-9 NOAA GMAC - Completed
  • Q2 - February 6-8 NOAA GMAC - Completed

All formal training for New Federal Program Officers have been completed. There are no additional classes scheduled at this time. Please take advantage of our training materials below, as well as our User Resources

Training Materials:

NOAA: The most recent  New FPO Student Training Package was updated for the February 2023 class. 

NOAA YouTube Channel: New FPO Training Playlist

EDA: The most recent  EDA Project Officer Grants Online Training Package was updated in February 2021. 

EDA YouTube Channel: New FPO Training Playlist

Additional training will be available upon request, however it  must be sponsored by a Program Office.

Federal Grants Management Training

Grants Management: The most recent Grants Specialists and Grants Officers Training Package was updated in 2016.

EDA Staff Webinars (May & November 2017, May 2019, February 2020)

Questions and Answers (updated April 2020)

Video #1 (Recorded May 2017)

Video #2 (Recorded May 2019)
The following topics were discussed during Video #2:
      a. Closeout Processes --> timeline 0:00
      b. Reassignments --> approximate timeline 01:01:03
      c. Amendments -- approximate timeline 01:26:00

Video #3 (Recorded February 2020)
The following topics were discussed during Video #3:
      a. Progress Report Due Dates --> approximate timeline 02:15
      b. The Closeout Process --> approximate timeline 14:58
          * Closeout Notices - how they work in Grants Online
          * Extension to Closeout vs. No-Cost Extension --> approx. timeline 21:20
          * Issues that can prevent a clean Closeout Process --> approx. timeline 34:55
              -- Open Award Action Requests (AARs), including duplicates
              -- Award File in Progress (Amendments)
              -- Unsubmitted Performance Progress or Federal Financial Reports
          * Financial Closeout Process --> approximate timeline 42:15
      NOTE: All ASAP Drawdown AARs must be completed BEFORE the final Federal Financial Report is approved, and only one may be processed at a time.
          * Administrative (Manual) Closeout Process --> approximate timeline 51:45
      c. Tracking Worflow History and Task Location --> approximate timeline 1:05:00
      d. The **NEW** Grants Online Program Management Office website

Additional training will be available upon request, however it  must be sponsored by a Program Office.


Grantee Training

Grant Recipient (Grantee) FY 2017 - FY 2019 Webinars
Note: These webinars were sponsored by EDA, however many are applicable to all bureaus. 

Grantee Overview (Power Point) (December 2017)
Webinar Questions & Answers (Last Updated: June 2019)
Video #1 - Grantee Overview (Recorded November 2017)
Video #2 - Grantee Special Interest Topics (Recorded May 2018)
The following topics are discussed in Video #2:
      a. Performance Progress Reports (PPRs)
      b. Federal Financial Reports (FFRs)
      c. Award Action Request - ASAP Drawdown
      d. Attaching a File in Grants Online
Video #3 - Grantee Special Interest Topics (Recorded May 2019)
The following topics are discussed in Video #3:
      a. Introduction --> timeline 00:00
      b. Closeout --> approximate timeline 06:10
      c. Amendments --> approximate timeline 37:15
      d. Reassignments --> approximate timeline 01:01:00

Additional training will be available upon request, however it  must be sponsored by a Program Office.


Reviewer Training

Application/Proposal Reviewer's Quick Reference Guide (April 2022)

Additional training will be available upon request, however it  must be sponsored by a Program Office.

Grants Online YouTube Channel

Visit the Grants Online YouTube Channel for our latest videos and recorded webinars.