Grant Recipient User Resources

1. Grant Recipient User Tools
These "How-to" manuals show the step-by-step essentials of using the system. Each manual is in Adobe Acrobat (*.pdf) file format.
Grants Online Recipient User Manual 
Grants Online Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) User Guide (NOAA Only)

Process Map - Grantee - Accept Award (AA)

Grants Online New Item

IMPORTANT NOTE:   The following presentation is designed to be viewed on a laptop. By default, the interactive presentation has a Text-to-Speech component. To view the presentation without Text-to-Speech,  mute the speakers on your workstation. 


2. Grant Recipient Quick Reference Guide
The Quick Reference Guide -- Grant Recipient is a short document with instructions for the most commonly used Grants Online functions. 

3. Recipient Administrator Guidance

The Recipient Administrator Guidance includes step-by-step instructions and diagrams to explain the Recipient Administrator tasks (e.g., create a new user account, unlock a user account, etc.).


Grants Online New Item

IMPORTANT NOTE:   These presentations are designed to be viewed on a laptop. By default, the interactive presentations have a Text-to-Speech component. To view the presentation without Text-to-Speech, mute the speakers on your workstation. 


a. The  Create a New Account Interactive Presentation explains the process of creating a new Grants Online user account.

b. The  Reset a User Password Interactive Presentation explains the process of resetting a user password when the current password has expired.

c. The  Unlock a User Account Interactive Presentation explains the process of unlocking a user account when the user has made three unsuccessful attempts to log into Grants Online.

d. The  Update or Specify a User Role Interactive Presentation explains the process of assigning one or more roles to a Grants Online user.

4. Award Action Request Guidance
The Award Action Request Guidance corresponds to the latest 2 CFR Part 200 updates and includes a detailed explanation for each Award Action Request. 

Grants Online New Item

IMPORTANT NOTE:   The following presentation is designed to be viewed on a laptop. By default, the interactive presentation has a Text-to-Speech component. To view the presentation without Text-to-Speech, mute the speakers on your workstation. 

5. Reminder Notifications for Progress Reports, Financial Reports, and Special Award Conditions in Grants Online
The Grants Online Notification Chart provides a quick overview of all report notifications (Advance and Delinquent).

6. Sample Grants Online Notifications
The below links provide a list of sample email messages that are sent to Grant Recipients from the Grants Online system to provide notification of actions that are pending.

a. New Award Notification - sent to the Authorized Representative who signed the proposal when a new award offer from a Department of Commerce Bureau using Grants Online is waiting for acceptance.

b. Manage Award Users Notification - sent to the Recipient Administrator after acceptance of a new award so that the correct Principal Investigator can be associated with the award.

c. Manage Award Users is Complete Notification - sent to the Authorized Representative after personnel (e.g., the PI/PD) have been associated with an award.

d. Amendment Notification - sent to all Authorized Representatives in the organization when an amendment from a Department of Commerce Bureau using Grants Online is waiting for acceptance. When one person takes action on this task, it is removed from the inbox of the other Authorized Representatives.

e. Upcoming Progress Report Notification - sent on the 15th of the month - two months and one month before reports are due - to the Principal Investigators associated with the award. If no Principal Investigators have been added to the award via Grants Online, the notifications will be sent to all Authorized Representatives and Recipient Administrators for the organization.

f. Upcoming Financial Report Notification - sent on the 15th of the month - two months and one month before reports are due - to the Business/Financial Representatives. If no Business/Financial Representatives have been identified for the organization via Grants Online, the notifications will be sent to all Authorized Representatives and Recipient Administrators for the organization.

g. Progress Report Due Notification - sent on the 2nd of the month after the reporting period ends to the Principal Investigators associated with the award. If no Principal Investigators have been added to the award via Grants Online, the notifications will be sent to all Authorized Representatives and Recipient Administrators for the organization. If the report(s) have not been submitted by the 22nd of the month in which they are due, a follow-up reminder will be sent.

h. Financial Report Due Notification - sent on the 3rd of the month after the reporting period ends to the Business/Financial Representatives associated with the organization. If no Business/Financial Representatives have been identified for the organization via Grants Online, the notifications will be sent to all Authorized Representatives and Recipient Administrators for the organization. If the report(s) have not been submitted by the 22nd of the month in which they are due, a follow-up reminder will be sent.

i. Delinquent Financial or Progress Report Notification - sent on the 1st of the month after a report becomes delinquent to all Authorized Representatives, Principal Investigators (only for delinquent Progress Reports) and Business/Financial Representatives (only for delinquent Financial Reports) associated with the award.

j. Suspension of Award Notification - sent to Authorized Representatives, Principal Investigators, and Business/Financial Representatives when a Department of Commerce Bureau using Grants Online has taken an enforcement action to suspend payment on an award or group of awards for an organization.

k. Closed Award Notification - sent to all Authorized Representatives and Business/Financial Representatives for the organization, and to the Principal Investigators associated with the award, when Grants Management closeout actions have been completed on the award.